Solo2 Jtag

Digging up an old thread, but did anyone ever find bcm97356.msi? I've used my googlefu and all I can find is people asking for it, there are some mentions of it being sent by PM many many years ago but I can't find it anywhere to download. I've got 7413, 7335, 7346, 7325, 7358 but it seems 7356 is nowhere to be found, anyone that can help out?
I would like to try it on a gigablue ultra ue. Do you think you have a version for windows 10 and bcm7362? Thank you so much to anyone who wants to answer me.
HI,I created a Windows XP PC, which was a bit of a struggle given that no recent PCs support it anymore.I put broadband studio back together with all the bcms that are aroundNothing, the gigablue ultra ue does not connect with the broadband studio.After days of confusion I also got an 800 UE, broadband studio connects and recognizes the flash.Configuration for this processor is missing.Do you know if anyone has it?It's a bcm 7362 Spansion s34ml02g100tf100.Thank you.