Its Interesting i would love to find out if there is a box that will receive the sky if anyone out there has any info on this subject please feel free to post here , would be most appreciated...
hi everyone! i need your help some one from germany is selling me SAT boxes and he says they are just like cable Dbox's and they are Dbox's he is selling them for 250 euro's. so what you lot think, will it work
you can buy a GBOX which comes from italy and fits into the DBOX (its a small component) which you can then use youre DBOX to watch satellite via card sharing
i am still working on this at the moment and will keep you posted but dont get excited
Gbox is only a peace of software and you can find versions on the net.
If you want to do cardsharing you need a chap which pay the bill, let you participate and own the skill to setup a carsdsharing server.