
Sorry if this sounds like a noddy question but so skins just alter the appearance of the menu's and epg screens?

I presume that there is a folder somewhere on the box where the skin goes? and i can just replace one skin with another?
Thats right, a skin alters the appearance of the image (menus and epg, popup message boxes, etc). Its just like a Windows XP visual style if you've ever played with those.

The Skin files (the .emsl and .info files) go into /share/tuxbox/enigma/skins
The Skin images (the pictures for the skin) go into /share/tuxbox/enigma/pictures/[skinname]

[skinname] is a folder containing the same name as the .emsl file.
Theres a couple of skins for download here:

Also just to note that neutrino images do not support this type of customization, only enigma images work with these :)
