Silly question

Hi all

heres a silly question, I have a motorised TM1500 ci+ system I was just wondering if there was anyway of unlocking anymore channels without using a paid subs card, but by using a funcard etc..

Thanks in advance

Not a silly question mate...........I've asked it and so have many others LOL

At present if your using a Darkman patch that includes pretty much everything that is viewable without having a subscription card.

To see what is available you need to find a SoftCam.Key file (just Google is) and download it. Open the file up in MS Notepad or Textpad (if you have it) and you will see the packages/encryptions that have been already been cracked. Once you've seen the list you might decide to move your dish around to check out the sats that you may not have already scanned for.

Also bear in mind you are already getting a very good deal with the patches, have you ever looked at how much some of these packages actually cost??

Here's an example :

BTW Maybe if your were a bit more specific in what you waned to view, other members might suggest to you different sats eg Football, Movies (English only??), Porn etc

You can use an Opos card with operating system v1.5 to get extra channels, or a pentacard vr3, but thats it at the mo, no other pirate cards will get any more than the patched tm1500. The trouble with modern pirate cards is that there's no guarantee for support so it may last a week or a day or several months, no way of knowing so dont just jump in spending money.
Thanks for the replies fellas, I know I get a lot out of the technomate but its always worth trying to sqeeze a bit more out of it if poss !! LOL

Thanks again

What I'd love to see is the new Hi-Def Channels on Astra 19e (German package launches Nov 2005)..........particularly as I imagine they will broadcast the World Cup in this format.
