services.xml and bouquet.xml backup


Premium Member
Premium Member
i can't find how to back these up ? if i can find out i can share them on here as well !

you need to ftp into your dbox and the files are in var/tuxbox/config/zapit,
locate that file and transfer the services and bouquet files to your pc rar them up and share them in the download section here.
hey thanks man, will get on it tonight, is it a case that i can edit it after i have exracted them, i got some channels that are just test stuff...?

Thanks man
You can edit it once you get it on your computer, or you can do it via the box, OR even via the webinterface.

I dont recommend that you edit the files on your computer, and some XML/text editors mess up the formatting. Its best to do it via the Webinterface, or failing that, the box itself (Bouquet Editor under "Service" Menu)

Thanks, i've tried editing it under the box (Bouquet Editor under "Service" Menu) but when i saved it, it didn't work, ????

whats the web interface ? is this ftp ?

its http.

type this into internet explorer/firefox:

(replace with your IP address of your own DBOX)
You will be presented with the web interface of the box.
i had the same prob not long back saving settings and replacing the neutrino.conf file sorted this out for my sportster image.
you can find it here if you want it.
i cant edit this using the web service ? when i get the channel listing under editor > i then click on the channel that i want to remove and send it across using the > when i got to save i get page cannot be found error ?