sa explorer 4000dvb


Inactive User
Apr 30, 2005
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hi all
i have a sa dvb 4000stuck on 890
this is not the first 1 ive had trouble with for some reason they dont boot
ime in tw area
the box has had a dump put on the u48 for my area and have used this 1 b4
and had a result
why cant i get any more channels
not even fta channels
if nyone could help it would be much aprieciated
hi mate
been done about 15 times has had talkback reenabled as this worked for me once too
dont know wat else to try
Sory dont know more than that but know one thing for sure these boxes are CRAP
hi all can any one help please
i have 2 boxes like this 1 my cousins and 1 i promised the guy i just bought a house of as he let me off with paying his soliciters fees
about 2grand now hes holdin me to ransome for the alarm manual a set of keys and the manual to the heating system
he is now phoneing me daily
please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
turn of modem you need a very strong signal retry that and it will boot up
I have the same problem and have switched off the modem without any success
hi mate
tried reboot with wire direct still nowt tried takeing the u 48 out of a working box still nowt forced update still nowt did auld still owt
surely sumone nows how to fix this
thanks anyhow
I've had a few problems with my 4000DVB just hanging at the "Please wait... Loading data" screen.

I think it's a signal problem, check the engineers menu.
hi mate
most of the time thats wat i get
but some times it boots but no channels
thanks for your help
i thought i was billy no mates on this for a while
Yup, sometimes after I changed channel it stayed black LOL.

Pace units seem to run much faster.
Have a look at the menu, see if it's complaining about anything.

Maybe you need more or less attenuation.
hi mate theres no red lines and under attenuation it says n/a
thanks for the quick responce mate
Are all of the bars green?

What's your signal level and what do the error rate bars show?
-5 is signal level
all bars green
modulation err rate is 34.586
pre rs bit err rate 0.000e+00
post is the same
thanks for your help mate