ROM11B0C Glitch Type

I've got a couple of particularly stubborn B0C cards which run for days in the T911 but won't unlock. Is it worth playing with the Glitch type? I notice it's always 8 using the ROM11 scripts, whilst the Glitch type varies when unlocking ROM10 cards.
there is a line in the latest scripts you can rem out (remove the ' mark)
i take it you've tried adjusting the ranges??
surely removing the ' unrems a line rather than rems it out? is it sensible to change the glitch type on a rom 11?

I've run vcc analyser and changed the upper and lower vcc range. Haven't played with the delay range as I wouildn't know what to change it to.

LOL it was a long time ago but you might be right about the rem/unrem business - i could go look for you but it has never produced a fruitful result for me.
adjust your delay range for the rom 11. delay start = 17ff delay end =16ff
and let it roll round for a bit.
infact try the attached script. wonkos work
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thanks twobeers - tried the attached script with the modified delay range you suggested but it's still running 20 hours later...
detail your setup (glitcher ect..) and post a log of the output from winex.
if you use a nexus and your vcc is around 30/2F then it will bve a problem - i'm still messing about with one months down the line!!