remote controls are crap

Can someone please tell me if the box causes the remote to be unresponsive or the remotes are just total utter crap, i have broken my 2 by hurling them at the wall in anger...... even with fresh batteries in i was having to tap it on my knee every now and then to get it to respond......i heard argos sell compatible remotes for these boxes, has anyone used one ?
Try a seach for "remotes" 1 or 2 have had varying success with different replacement types. You sometimes see them on fleabay too, but again ur taking a chance on them being any good.
i bought a cheap multi purpose one out of poundstreachers for £1:99 after i got it tuned in to box which wasnt that hard managed to get all the keys to do the same as the original
well, thats what i am asking.....would the box cause it ?......its cracked to fek now anyway cause posed with the choice of hitting remote or dbox, the remote gets it ;)