RE: Sharing a Sky Dish

I have a Sky Box and everything but no Satellite dish but I noticed our next door neighbours do.

If I got permission from them would I be able to split the signal from the Satellite Dish and share the Satellite Dish?

I really don't fancy a dish on our house due to a lack of room.

Will it interfere with their box or my box?

I have to say I know nothing about Satellite so please explain nice and clearly please with no technical jargon.
allroad said:
no prob just use a duel lnb
not to be pickie :NEXT: would it not be a Universal Twin LNB he needs?
is a duel not got high and low bands.. one on each of the two outputs?
of course i could be wrong...and i am now looking silly:Hit:
allroad said:
no prob just use a duel lnb

Quad mate Quad :Cheers:

Use a Quad.. Ask your neighbour, slap the quad on... run the cable etc and Done..

also u will need to adjust the dish slightly with a quad as it will drop with the weight.. simply just push it upwards :)

Gee the end is nigh
it is in theroy quite dangerous to share a dish with a different the 2 hses are earthed together by qaud.........if 1 hse has an electrical fault the other may aswell