Problems: watch streaming channels on PC with WingrabTV + VLC

I can use my dbox fine to watch TV on PC with sporster 1.76 2x (via WingrabTV + VLC). However, after flashing to the "new updated 2x image nearly ready" from gav12345, I couldn't watch it on my PC anymore with WingrabTV + VLC with the same network settings. If I flashed it back with sportster 1.76 2x, it is ok.

I have tried 3 boxes so far. They all raised the same error (i.e. "unerwartete antwort von der D-Box") when using the new image from gav12345. I can watch channels ok on TV via SCART, but not via LAN with WingrabTV + VLC.

If you are using the nearly-ready image from gav12345, could you please try to watch it on a PC via WingrabTV + VLC to see if it works ? Thanks in advance.

I might try to use tuxvision + trex tonight to see if it is ok.

Thanks !!!
WingrabTV + VLC is the old way of doing it...
Tuxvision (after installing tRex) is the way forward.
Alternatively try searching the forum for some software called "BitControl".

I don't think it is because of the method of watching/recording the stream. I can use WingrabTV + VLC fine on other images. However, with this new one, I tried on 3 different boxes. The same error was raised.

Hello again,

The problem has not been sorted yet. Does anyone know why? Any idea please?

I tried to flash with the new Sportster 2005 11 from gav12345 today. Nearly same problem happened (i.e. I couldn't watch with VLC + WingrabTV), but this time there was no error message.
Note: VLC + WingrabTV run fine on earlier versions of Sportster.

I tried Tuxvision but the same problem happend (i.e. couldn't watch it).

However, Bitcontrol runs fine. It means the network setting is fine.

By the way, here is the log from WingrabTV:

23:03:37.921 [VideoHTTP] terminated
23:03:36.984 [VideoPesParser] terminated
23:03:36.000 [VideoProcessor] terminated
23:03:36.000 [Muxer] terminated
23:03:36.000 [VideoProcessor] locked on stream id 234
23:03:35.062 [AudioProcessor0] terminated
23:03:35.062 [AudioPesParser0] terminated
23:03:35.062 [AudioHTTP0] terminated
23:03:35.062 [AudioHTTP0] abnormal thread termination (EteSocketError: Read error 64, The specified network name is no longer available)
23:03:35.046 [AudioHTTP0] HTTP streaming started successfully
23:03:35.046 [AudioHTTP0] started
23:03:35.046 [VideoHTTP] HTTP streaming started successfully
23:03:35.046 [VideoHTTP] started
23:03:35.046 [AudioPesParser0] started
23:03:35.046 [AudioProcessor0] started
23:03:35.046 [VideoPesParser] started
23:03:35.046 [VideoProcessor] started
23:03:35.046 [Muxer] started
I also tried JackTV, SimpleGrab, JackTheGrabber but still no go.

Does anyone have solutions to this problem?

I don't know what is the main difference in setting between Sportster 1.76 and Sportster 2005 11 from gav12345 which prevents WingrabTV+VLC watch the channels. Someone told me that it is because of the web server of the sportster changed (??)

PS. Bitcontrol is still running fine. However, I couldn't record with Bitcontrol.

PPS. I spent the last 2 days reading German forums (using Web-translation), but I haven't found any solution yet.
Hi There

I have used this image and I use bitcontrol to stream to the pcs and winserver to record, the only problem I have is when recording to the pc, it records fine but when I start recording the tv screen goes black and when I stop recording it comes back again.

Any Ideas


fermec said:
Hi There
I have used this image and I use bitcontrol to stream to the pcs and winserver to record, the only problem I have is when recording to the pc, it records fine but when I start recording the tv screen goes black and when I stop recording it comes back again.
Any Ideas
You can change Stop Playback to Off from the recording settings on the Dbox, but doing so sometimes increases the risk of recording errors.
My friend found and fixed the problem

try this if you have problems with recording and VLC
Blue Blue System Menue Hardware Settings U Code Sellection and change the U Code to U Code Vortex. This should fix the problem.