problem with rom 11 card

hi,im trying to write a new image onto a rom11 card,Opening of COM2 was successful
ATR String: 3F FF 95 00 FF 91 81 71 A0 47 00 44 4E 41 53 50
30 31 31 20 52 65 76 42 30 34 4C
ROM Revision: 011
EEPROM Revision: RevB04
ProviderID: 54
CamID: 25 15 CC 21
Using BD3 Key: 4E 69 70 50 45 72 20 49 73 20 61 20 62 75 54 74
Attempting to login to BD3
BackDoor login verified
Dumping Dataspace
Using BD0 Key: C8 18 16 A4 CE 65 16 19 31 F0 9F 55 57 84 13 00
Attempting to login to BD3
Attempting to login to BD0
BackDoor login verified
Attempting to login to BD0
Disabling card
Writing ROM11 failed
Closing of COM2 was successful
this is what it says,,,,can any1 help
hi,im trying to write a new image onto a rom11 card,Opening of COM2 was successful
ATR String: 3F FF 95 00 FF 91 81 71 A0 47 00 44 4E 41 53 50
30 31 31 20 52 65 76 42 30 34 4C
ROM Revision: 011
EEPROM Revision: RevB04
ProviderID: 54
CamID: 25 15 CC 21
Using BD3 Key: 4E 69 70 50 45 72 20 49 73 20 61 20 62 75 54 74
Attempting to login to BD3
BackDoor login verified
Dumping Dataspace
Using BD0 Key: C8 18 16 A4 CE 65 16 19 31 F0 9F 55 57 84 13 00
Attempting to login to BD3
Attempting to login to BD0
BackDoor login verified
Attempting to login to BD0
Disabling card
Writing ROM11 failed
Closing of COM2 was successful
this is what it says,,,,can any1 help
use xncs and read it with that to ge the backdoors
There's a good probability that there is some kind of blocker on the card. Read your image and check. Depending on the blocker you may be able to find the correct unlock sequence but if not your best option may be to glitch the card and reset bugcounters to 00.