Raspberry Pi pi hole and nas in the omv


DW Regular
Sep 5, 2018
Reaction score
Cloud 9
im messing about with this ovm or weeks so that means the pi is doing nothing doesnt it? im gonna install pi hole and nas from omv. would it be better to plug my drive into the router or use the pi. if i should use the router for nas then im going to install the pi hle and vpn. hoping it all goes well threes always one wee thing that fcks me up
im messing about with this ovm or weeks so that means the pi is doing nothing doesnt it? im gonna install pi hole and nas from omv. would it be better to plug my drive into the router or use the pi. if i should use the router for nas then im going to install the pi hle and vpn. hoping it all goes well threes always one wee thing that fcks me up

I'm running pi-hole and OMV on one raspberry pi and i plug an external drive directly into the Raspberry Pi. Works for for me at 720, however if attempting to stream above that the media will buffer too much to watch. Luckily i'm happy with 720p :)