oscam private idck Layer 2b skylink


May i know what is purpose of this private oscam and those software which You put in this section? (Can not send PM - so need to write message here.)
in case you have a skylink irdeto card 0624 this oscam might be useful (dyn. camkey, layer 2b)

rtznfrtz yes this friend is right if you have skylink irdeto card than this oscam is very use full for you​

and software is if your box have spi flash than you read and wright very easy with that software ...

Thanks for read my post
Hello! this oscam for the new irdetto cards or ICE cards?
no, this is sh*it old compiled freezing oscam copied from qviart stb-s
if you can provide a better one .. you are welcome !
so far this "sh*it old" thing is the only one available and therefor "best choice" possible .
yes I have .. I adjusted it myself and you have exactly the same option .. it just wants not to sit with folded arms
can this cam run caid:0639?
It cannot because Videocon d2h is using Chipset pairing as an extra security layer.
The stuff related to Skylink ICE is just the camcrypt layer and not the Controlword encryption.