odd facts section

A diamond's value is determined by its famous 4Cs: carat weight, color, cut, clarity. A value of a diamond is determined by an appraiser using these four dimensions while the value of a diamond ring adds the additional element of the quality of the band
Moore's law, that predicts technology advances as number of transistors, that are able to fit onto a certain electronic plate is doubling every 2 years is probably going to be broken, because transistor's size approached that of single atom, that can't stop flow of electrons, due to quantum teleportation. Moore's law is still working to this day and could be brought back to truth with introducing quantinum computers.
International Rescues' radio code "F-A-B", meaning "message received and understood", didn't stand for anything, it was just supposed to sound "hip". In fact, when asked what it stood for, Gerry Anderson once replied, with some bemusement, "Fab," as though it were obvious.
Contralto. The contralto voice is the lowest of the female voices and by far and away the rarest.
The Jazz Singer, American musical film, released in 1927, that was the first feature-length movie with synchronized dialogue.
J. R. R. Tolkien fought Hitler in the battle of Somme in WW1.

That battle had more than 1 million wounded or killed, that's an unimaginable amount...
Chip On Your Shoulder

Origin: This phrase originated in the USA in the 1800s. It refers to a practice where people who were looking for a physical fight would place a chip of wood on their shoulders, challenging others to knock it off.
Chip On Your Shoulder

Origin: This phrase originated in the USA in the 1800s. It refers to a practice where people who were looking for a physical fight would place a chip of wood on their shoulders, challenging others to knock it off.
Anything to do with knocking your block off I wonder
screw steamer
Usage. Historically, prefixes for civilian vessels often identified the vessel's mode of propulsion, such as, "SS" (screw steamer), "MV" (motor vessel), or "PS" (paddle steamer). Alternatively, they might have reflected a vessel's purpose, e.g. "RMS" (royal mail ship), or "RV" (research vessel).

(Yes, I'm watching Battle of the River Plate lol) ;)
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odd fact but true
According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way that a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyways
whos got any more strange facts like this ? haha
Also, bee's can't fly in the dark. Once the light is turned off they all just drop to the ground

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