Ntl Telewest Merger To Blow Out Dboxes

I have a friend who works for telewest who has told me that NTL will be taking over from January 2006. Apparrently they plan to change all channels in line with NVOD so that customers only recieve what they are paying for. If anybody can throw more light on this I would be interested in the details.

I hope you guys are working hard out there to find a solution to VOD as it seems that time is running out.

divefreak said:
I have a friend who works for telewest who has told me that NTL will be taking over from January 2006. Apparrently they plan to change all channels in line with NVOD so that customers only recieve what they are paying for. If anybody can throw more light on this I would be interested in the details.
I hope you guys are working hard out there to find a solution to VOD as it seems that time is running out.

I smell ................. or N*L
I don't understand the point to this post, maybe he is looking to buy a box and is hoping we will read it and all rush to pet them on fleebay. Anyway what will be will be. I still know people that have chipped analogue boxes up and running so I think they are along way from VOD yet.

Well I am just telling you what I have herd. also in the next couple of weeks telewest will be purging the channel codes again so we will all have to to do a re-scan.

I thought it would be nice to keep you guys updated with what I have been told no matter how irrelevant it may seem. If you doint find this infroamtion useful then i will not bother posting in future.


so that customers only recieve what they are paying for = mmm so thats not the case now LOL!

ure mate is talking outta his arse mate rofl!

i work for a cable company i know this is not the case,

it wont be worth it financially to get rid of modded pace/dboxes as it will require a major system upgrade.

mabye in the future and i mean future.

enjoy free tv, while it lasts :)
we hear this sh1te every year from a friend of a friend etc etc
when it goes it goes who gives a fook its all crap anyway.
We will just have to find something else to do
ok peopleif all channels went to vod and i mean all every customer that cable companys have will go to sky and bt


because if you keep your eyes open customers are complaining about all the changes already and when i was a ccs i got so many calls with people goin over to sky and people know that they will be paying over the odds if the cc dont offer the packages anymore

one other thing is that in the news bill gates is looking to get into this market now and he says its going to be economical (lol) according to bill gates and he was in england at the time

so the future is going to be great i think more wonders of things to crack and in time it will be

couldnt handle goin all vod anyway
the bandwith consumption would be !!! far too high

more chances of diana coming to your door sayin hi there, than all channels going vod.
gav12345 said:
one other thing is that in the news bill gates is looking to get into this market now and he says its going to be economical (lol) according to bill gates and he was in england at the time

If gates gets into it, then all are troubles will be 10 fold, most likely be windoze based aaaaaaaarrrrrrrggggggggg lol
derekwd said:
If gates gets into it, then all are troubles will be 10 fold, most likely be windoze based aaaaaaaarrrrrrrggggggggg lol

Thats OK! Windows is more flexible and theres more to hack! :)
IANBBB said:
we hear this sh1te every year from a friend of a friend etc etc
when it goes it goes who gives a fook its all crap anyway.
We will just have to find something else to do

:Cheers: :littleang
well after reading this i asked my neighbour (who works for ntl and uses dbox him self and thats were i got mine from 8 months ago ) about vod and his replay was '' dont know about vod but we did had a meeting about dboxes and as in every other meeting there were lot of suggestios and vod was one of them an another one was to knock on every single door in service area and ask them weather theiy or their neighbours using doggy boxes but they did come to conclution that they will have one team dadicated to to investigate on chipped boxex and dboxex by fab 2006 up to now they all been sharing this duty along with lots of other things '''
so i think it is going to be tuff but cant be impossible to crack if they do decide to go vod (which i very much doubt)
vijay5264 said:
well after reading this i asked my neighbour (who works for ntl and uses dbox him self and thats were i got mine from 8 months ago ) about vod and his replay was '' dont know about vod but we did had a meeting about dboxes and as in every other meeting there were lot of suggestios and vod was one of them an another one was to knock on every single door in service area and ask them weather theiy or their neighbours using doggy boxes but they did come to conclution that they will have one team dadicated to to investigate on chipped boxex and dboxex by fab 2006 up to now they all been sharing this duty along with lots of other things '''
so i think it is going to be tuff but cant be impossible to crack if they do decide to go vod (which i very much doubt)
Fook ive heard it all now.
Investigation teams knocking doors to ask "are you using a dodgy dbox sir" "who me sir no sir"
This thread is now getting really silly and vijay5264 thats got to be the biggest load of bollox yet m8