Novo VICam au alls Provedors cak6.3

Hi! And how it is possible obtain and test this VICAM emulator?

Best regards
nothing more than an oscam with a clean face + a backdoor to steal the cache, nothing new
nothing more than an oscam with a clean face + a backdoor to steal the cache, nothing new
Yes, Vicam is playful, burns cards eheeheh, snorts French gardeners, Drunk, not with one backdor, but with 4 Backdorsand it lasts, it looks like Duracel batteries have alkaline against IPTV Scammers

Amigos aqui vos deixo novo VICam cak 6.3 estou acabar uma nova versão Cak 7.x,

abraço a todos
by Viperx32cwpk
good afternoon
Where would it be possible to get the vicam cat7?
thank you very much in advance