Nokia 9850T

How to reset Nokia 9850T

:xmas: Try this. It works for me.

nokia factory reset

all this is on the front panel not on the remote<br />1 Turn the box on using the red power button<br />2 Turn the box off using the red power button<br />3 Just as the green light dims press the left and right navagation buttons together(outside of select button)<br />4 You should see RE on channel leds<br />5 Now press reset button to finalise factory settings<br />6 box is now off<br />7 power up box<br />8 yellow menu should come up<br />9 select getting started to add your channels
traga said:
Isn't the pin just stored on the card, so if you pull the card out there is no pin request?

The pin is stored on the card, but you cannot reset the pin with the card out, as you can't get into the reset menu.


Thanks for the info guys