NewTuxFlash Corrupting Images ??

Hi all,
I decided to play around with the NewTuxFlash image tool (thanks for the patch by the way) as I hate the clock on the Chryo sportster uk 05 2x image. Anyway all I did was change the lcd clock and boot logo and saved the image. When I flashed it to my box I got the dreaded kein system again.
Anyway I decided to have another play and I noticed that everytime I tried to save the image I got a warning "Image size to Large". I then decided to simply open an image and resave it, and I still got the warning message. Upon further examination I discovered that the original image size was 8,064kb, however when newtuxbox saved the image without any mods it had shrunk the image to 6,528kb. Thereby corrupting the image.
Am I doing something wrong, or is the program only designed to work with 1x images or something ?
I believe that NewTuxFlash has never been stable and was never properly released - I think the version number is 0.1 which is obviously one of the very first builds of the program.

I know that sometimes the program has trouble with SQUASHFS images, but JFFS2 images should be fine.

I have personally only had 1 problem with it, and have used it with several images; it could be something to do with your computer or its setup.

Try this for a quick fix:
1. Do all your modifications to the image.
2. Go to File... "File System" menu.
3. It will show that "JFFS" is too big.
4. Hit the "Update" button.
It will freeze and not respond for about 2 minutes.
5. After Updating, JFFS2 should be at 1000%
6. Click Close button.
7. Save image AS...
8. Save the file under a new name
9. Flash to box.

If it still doesnt work after doing that then just delete one unimportant file from the image (such as the scanning background picture), and try saving again.

Hope this helps.
Hi Liam,

I tried what you suggested yesterday. The image file was shrunk to 1020% and thats as low as I got no matter how many times I tried or what images I used. Do you have a copy of the program you could send me as it could be somethng to do with the one I am using.
