Newbie needs advice.

First of all I'd like to say great web site. Keep up the good work.
A friend of mine has just brought a Dbox2 for use on the N*L network, can you use a dbox2 for S*Y? If you can, can you point me to the tuts.

Thanks for your help.
woodchin said:
First of all I'd like to say great web site. Keep up the good work.
A friend of mine has just brought a Dbox2 for use on the N*L network, can you use a dbox2 for S*Y? If you can, can you point me to the tuts.
Thanks for your help.


The answer is 'no'
well the answer is yes get yourself a sat dbox but youll not be able to get bskyb but you can pick up alot of european channals
scott-ayling said:
well the answer is yes get yourself a sat dbox but youll not be able to get bskyb but you can pick up alot of european channals

Sorry mate but I'm sure the question was can you use a dbox2 for S*Y not any other european channals!