Network problem


Inactive User
Aug 24, 2004
Reaction score
Likswang, China
help ..

Got 2 network cards 2 pc's i know how to network together sharing the Printer and Internet..

BUT heres my problem.. i have 2 Modems.. 1 pc has a subby and the other pc has a special kind of modem.

When i netowrk them together and share all the shit ie printer and files it shares the internet.. so now the pc with the subbed modem now wants to connect to the intenret via the special modem. not good.

So i tried taking intenret off the network but it wont let me deselect it.. deselecting makes the printer deselect umm.. so i select print and it selects the internet. this is on the network connection.

So my question is. is there another way of sharing JUST printer and files??

Running Xp on both machines..
Hi Mate,

Xp assumes your always connected to the net therefore it tries to connect each PC and also if u have M$N Messenger it will try to auto connect which will fireup your dialer to connect

Go to network settings where the Modem is and change the settings in there from default to manual settings ( hard to explain).

I have a PDF guide for networks Email me I will send it to u if you want it?
What is this "special modem" exactly? .. do you actually need it? what do you use it for.

if not, just disable it, in the system properties -> device manager

Did you add the printer manually?.. using the
printer -> add printer -> a network printer -> Connect to this pritner Name: \\ComputerName\\PrinterName

Obviously replace the above with the actual values, your computer name and printer name which is being shared

and you could do the same with files \\ComputerName\\SharedFolderName

and create links, .....or use the LAN ip to make sure it doesnt try connecting through the internet \\\PrinterName and \\\SharedFolderName

(replace the ip with the computer with Printer attached)