Needed, cables.xml for a Q5


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VIP Member
Aug 2, 2007
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I've got an old Q5 box and it runs ok only for the kids room but it's really old. I scanned using the cables.xml that's already in it and it misses lots of channels. I'm after updating the cables.xml so I copy/pasted over the Virmin all areas from a Zgemma cables.xml in /etc but the lines different and the Q5 found nothing. Here's what I mean:

A line from the Zgemma cables.xml = <transponder frequency="131000" symbol_rate="6952000" fec_inner="3" modulation="5"/>
A line from Q5 cables.xml = <transponder frequency="131000000" inversion="2" symbol_rate="6952000" fec_inner="7" modulation="5"/>

Can anyone help with a cables.xml say from a dm500c running latest commando or a 800HD or something ?
Yeah Zgemma but the lines are different. I tried using the cables.xml from OpenATV ABM but as I showed each transponder line is slightly written different
get lraizers cable autobouquets plugin,, for some reason abm does not work
run it with your netid
then import to pc using dreamboxedit
i will post software later, but you can convert e2 channel list to q5
channels will bin in order in bouquets
You know, I've done it in the last but totally forgot how I did it, that rings a bell.
Yeah nice 1 I'll do it after , thank you
Sorry the bother you again but which software did you use to convert e2 channel list to q5 ?
sorry late reply
load dreambox file then save it as file for q5
instruction not that clear but been a while since i used it


    138.5 KB · Views: 1
ok will give it a go tomorrow thanks for that
if you load lraizers cable autobouquets plugin and dvbsnoop it should scan ok last time i did one of these i was only missing two sports channels
The Q5 worked perfect thanks. I took a backup of a Zgemma fresh scan with ABM then using DBE I saved the scan. After that I loaded the saved scan into the Q5 program, saved it and loaded it into the Q5. Saves all that faffing around