need help in creating site

all he wants is a simple html website with css
we eventually find that out yup, his first posts and his other thread was about connecting a site to a DB using UltraDev and HTML....

If you just need a page with some text and a few links, word will do that for you - no need to use something as heavy weight as Dreamweaver...
sorry for confusion i want to know how php is connected to a back end db but that was for somehting else not this thats why i posted it differently.....HERE as i have stated i need to create a website just informaiton based and i have downloaded trial of dreamweaver to do this on....all i want someone to do now is help me understand how i use dreamweaver to create the html pages....i know its drag and drop so its simple but say ive done a page then what do i do? do i link pages together etc just by links?...when i save all html pages shall i just create a NEW folder on my desktop and save them all on there as it will be hosted on a uni server?

Thanks i hope that is clearer!
LMAO, he hasnt asked for a Database from what I can see... Why complicate things with Joomla, a lot of Unis wont even give you MySQL or PHP access unless they think you really really need it... lol, so why complicate things if all the poor bloke wants to do is make a simple simple html information website, lmao :)
Yes mate, create the html pages in dreamweaver, start with index.htm, then give the others meaningfull names, remember when you link them together and host them the servers are case sensitive, so Page2.htm is not the same as Page2.HTM... When you link them together through hyperlinks or a menu, if the pages are all in the same directory then just call the page name e.g <a href="Page2.htm">Page 2</a> if they are in different directories, then its simpler for a beginner to give the full address/path e.g <a href="http://www.mysite..../mypage2/Page2.htm">Page 2</a>

Once you have everything all done, you should be able to open the site in your browser and view it on your desktop to test

If links dont work or pictures dont display remember what I said about Case sensitive and paths, check the paths and filenames :)

When you are happy, you need the ftp addresses for your uni and upload to the server, the uni should help with this and you might have to do this actually at the uni as our uni wouldnt allow outside connections to upload :)
how can the uni make you design a website when you know nothing about it ?

what your asking for is so simple,

stop wasting your time with dreamweaver etc, just use, word, notpad, frontpage express

job done
Thanks C9679 for al your help i dont know how hard it was for other to understand what i needed lol....thanks mate yes i think they provide us with outside connection to upload the files i think so anyway...ill try it and let youy know.