nagraedit invalid ATR string rom10


Inactive User
Nov 27, 2005
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When I try to read my ROM10 opos card I get the following error:

Opening of COM1 was successful
Error reseting card, ATR string invalid
Closing of COM1 was successful

Can some one please explain, as I am going madddddddddd.

I am able to load scripts and erase it in oposloader.
I have version 1.04
Please please help
rom 10

silly question do you have your programmer in phoenix mode 3.68, try reading the card in xcns 1.8 i find that can access the card easier or try glitching the card with t911 invalid atr string usually means the card is still locked and it will have to be opened with t911.
I have programmer in phoenix mode 3.68. I will look into xcns and t911.
It is just surprising that it does every thing ok in oposloader, such as erasing and losing the scripts.

Thanks for your reply.
I tried XNcs and got teh following error message:

Unsuficient bytes for atr(18),not a nagra card.
Cant Continue...

Any clues?
I think you are confusing cards !

An OPOS card is not a Rom10 card. You cannot use NagraEdit to read/write an OPOS card. You only use NagraEdit to edit a Rom10 image on the disk before using winexplorer to actually send the image to your OPOS card.

Before doing that though, the OPOS card must be programmed with the correct Nagra application.

The ATR you are getting above is probably the OPOS card OS ATR - this implies you have not yet loaded any application
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