Nagra Hex block Decryption

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Good morning, everyone, since it has not been here for a long time, this seems modified, do not you think?
I see a lot of new people here.
After all this is a Study forum, or Payservers?

(on the other hand here is full that blends the max of money here) after all this also belongs to Sect ?:eek:
Study payserver onitbin

before taking care of the payserver francais take care of the payserver portugues that you have yourself trained

the nagra kill / benfica200 etc ..... it's you who said it

and told them to stop offering me their services of decrypt paying you will be nice it seems that your boss
Study payserver onitbin

before taking care of the payserver francais take care of the payserver portugues that you have yourself trained

the nagra kill / benfica200 etc ..... it's you who said it

and told them to stop offering me their services of decrypt paying you will be nice it seems that your boss
I did not understand your post!
explain to me what my name has to do with this confusion...
what is this... mix portugal, spaniel, catalanes andcolombiano commercials ?
i think this is nagra thread and no thread about where half black man from this commercial guys have bigger bird .. Or ?
Wanted hack for Sti7105.

I have hack for extract L1 Keys m2m keyslot bcm. 1º ~ 4º keyladder ( 5º key is cw only).

Just after hitting “unwatch”.
Useless tit for tat crap.

just deleted the crap from this thread

This thread is to help people out and not to slag and talk crap to gain 5 posts to download ect

Got this thread monitored so be warned as the ban hammer is ready
Can never help me with a oscam source cak7 i need help for unique pairing.
yeah @ikarus90 ask onsitbin since he steals sources from other users and compiles his VICAM(oscam renamed and templated) and says that he has done the code alone. roflmao x1000 .
For all users that need sources please ask him.

spud1966 Thanks for making order on the thread.

Now serious stuff , who can explain how to decypher new aes encrypted blocks ? Someone already tried to study it `?
hi, please, can you write me when use baudrate?

Your log is not good :

My log :




card reply

> 120044AA40236D4D8B30EDF8B15688571E1036A87976615D33CD6DDC1DDC54C4E0D29B91020E7AF2F65B9F41E65A4402B84F94FC5744DCD70EA777F0F25A2CDDFA73F0739090005B



card reply

> 214048A0CA0000422B400FF7C79AA02ED6C32A8946028FE937338EAEF46AA42B501EE103794C7A55603386D8E7FE1D460F28A4423F7ED6BF555DC00EF8D3EA3277A5476DD25D7C45F154022C
> 124004AB0090006D
> 210009A0CA0000032201040365
> 120005A20107900023214009A0CA0000032201C40AEC
> 12400CA20807C0000000220000900081210009A0CA00000322018403E5
> 120005A20141900065214009A0CA0000032201C444A2
> 124046A24241FF
> 8000002300000000000300000003000000000000200D000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000AFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF

> 214008A0CA000002C80006CF124008B8041FD99410900034
> 210008A0CA000002C7000482120006B702FF
> FF900031214009A0CA0000032201080329
> 124005A20100900064
> 210009A0CA00
> 00032201010360120005A2010B90002F214009A0CA0000032201C10EED124010A20C0BE0000000231100000004009000A1
> 210009A0CA00000322018103E0120005A20100900024
> 214009A0CA0000032201000321
> 124005A2012B90004F
> 210009A0CA0000032201C02E8C120030A22C2BFF980000221101000202026C2206A10000000000002016A22F100000000000000000000000000000000000900033214009A0CA00000322018003A1124005A20100900064210024A0CA00001E2A1C008BXX4F1D00080000000000000000000000000000000000000022114292

> 120044AA40236D4D8B30EDF8B15688571E1036A87976615D33CD6DDC1DDC54C4E0D29B91020E7AF2F65B9F41E65A4402B84F94FC5744DCD70EA777F0F25A2CDDFA73F0739090005B
> 214048A0CA0000422B400FF7C79AA02ED6C32A8946028FE937338EAEF46AA42B501EE103794C7A55603386D8E7FE1D460F28A4423F7ED6BF555DC00EF8D3EA3277A5476DD25D7C45F154022C
> 124004AB0090006D
> 210009A0CA0000032201040365
> 120005A20107900023214009A0CA0000032201C40AEC
> 12400CA20807C0000000220000900081210009A0CA00000322018403E5
> 120005A20141900065214009A0CA0000032201C444A2
> 124046A24241FF
> 8000002300000000000300000003000000000000200D000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000AFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
yeah @ikarus90 ask onsitbin since he steals sources from other users and compiles his VICAM(oscam renamed and templated) and says that he has done the code alone. roflmao x1000 .
For all users that need sources please ask him.

spud1966 Thanks for making order on the thread.

Now serious stuff , who can explain how to decypher new aes encrypted blocks ? Someone already tried to study it `?

What i hear a d see in other boards that also applies to ikarus.
Hi Masters.

I found a script, and I've corrected the script in some places.
( I run in linux )
ird.bin = your nagra memory dump.

IRD=`hexdump ird.bin -v -e '/1 "%02X"' | grep -o -P '.{0,0}00016C.{0,12}' | grep "0303" | cut -c7-14`
echo "IDEA key is:"$IDEAKey
numHexDigits=`echo "45*8*2" | bc -l`
blocks=`hexdump ird.bin -v -e '/1 "%02X"' | grep -o -P '.{0,0}'00016C${IRD}0303'.{0,'$numHexDigits'}'`
offsetDoble=`hexdump ird.bin -v -e '/1 "%02X"' | grep -o -b 00016C${IRD}0303`
borrar=`echo $offsetDoble | cut -d : -f 1`
offset=`echo $borrar / 2 + 9 | bc -l | cut -d . -f 1`

echo "All blocks to decrypt are: "$blocks
dd skip=$offset count=`echo "45*8" | bc -l` if=ird.bin of=output.binary bs=1
openssl enc -idea-ecb -K $IDEAKey -e -in output.binary -out output.decoded
output_bin=`xxd -c 360 -ps output.binary`
output_dec=`xxd -c 360 -ps output.decoded`
while [ $n -lt 721 ]
firstDigit=`echo $output_bin | cut -c $n`
secondDigit=`echo $output_dec | cut -c $n`
finalDigit=`printf '%x\n' "$((0x$firstDigit ^ 0x$secondDigit))"`
n=`echo "$n+1" | bc`

echo IDEA-encrypted blocks are: $output_bin
echo ""
echo IDEA-decrypted blocks are: $output_dec
echo ""
echo Decrypted and xored blocks are: $xoreado

Didn't calculate the expected result.
What's wrong?

Thanks, who can help me.
IRD=`hexdump ird.bin -v -e '/1 "%02X"' | grep -o -P '.{0,0}00016C.{0,12}' | grep "0303" | cut -c7-14`
echo "IDEA key is:"$IDEAKey
numHexDigits=`echo "45*8*2" | bc -l`
blocks=`hexdump ird.bin -v -e '/1 "%02X"' | grep -o -P '.{0,0}'00016C${IRD}0303'.{0,'$numHexDigits'}'`
offsetDoble=`hexdump ird.bin -v -e '/1 "%02X"' | grep -o -b 00016C${IRD}0303`
borrar=`echo $offsetDoble | cut -d : -f 1`
offset=`echo $borrar / 2 + 9 | bc -l | cut -d . -f 1`

echo "All blocks to decrypt are: "$blocks
dd skip=$offset count=`echo "45*8" | bc -l` if=ird.bin of=output.binary bs=1

for i in {0..99}; do
j=$(printf "%x" $i)
printf "%b" '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x'$j >> matrix

openssl enc -idea-ecb -K $IDEAKey -e -in matrix -out matrix.out
output_bin=`xxd -c 360 -ps output.binary`
output_dec=`xxd -c 360 -ps matrix.out`
while [ $n -lt 721 ]; do
firstDigit=`echo $output_bin | cut -c $n`
secondDigit=`echo $output_dec | cut -c $n`
finalDigit=`printf '%x\n' "$((0x$firstDigit ^ 0x$secondDigit))"`
n=`echo "$n+1" | bc`

echo IDEA-encrypted blocks are: $output_bin
echo ""
echo IDEA-decrypted blocks are: $output_dec
echo ""
echo Decrypted and xored blocks are: $xoreado
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