Nagra Hex block Decryption

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Send me the algo, and I'll get it right now.

Cau Adas
yes, only the copy paste man not known what is what..

BTW: K1 is hill in Karakoram ? :D and what is K2 ? :D :D
@ adas
ty jesteś Czechem i dlaczego robisz brudną robotę za polske oszuste ? ..nie rozumiem :confused:
Did someone test TDES on real data?

tdes -> 3x des -> encrypt , decrypt, encrypt
input byte[8]
24 byte key = key1,key2,key3 each 8 byte
des(encrypt, key1) -> des(decrypt, key2) -> des(encrypt, key3)

16 byte key = key1,key2,key1 or key3=key1
des(encrypt, key1) -> des(decrypt, key2) -> des(encrypt, key1)
output byte[8]

DES and 3DES calculator for ISO8583 payments transactions - neaPay
3DES Encryption – Easily encrypt or decrypt strings or files
Result is correct :)

Or please explain TDES...
Maybe I do not understand something...
Triple Des Key have always 24byte
Its no matter what type you use, CBC ECB or what ever you call it :)

btw thx adas@ for your tool.
cwpk really difficult

some box have good way to extract but not find for my box

( french provider )
I have a dump of a belgian cable CI+. Pm me if you want it for study.
I have a dump of a belgian cable CI+. Pm me if you want it for study.



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