### latest Lakys July 2x ###

the network menu has gone???

sorry about that

goto settings and personalization and settings

you will notice that i switched network to not visible please change back to visible and return it will ask neutrino needs to be restarted then do so and the network will be there m8

sorry for the pain m8

also the ip is on all the laky images for future use as well

no worrys m8

im working on Laky August 08 image as we speak so will be out maybe in a few days

it will take just a little longer than a few days now but it will be in august for sure
Hi, just want to say thank you, put this image on and it's solved my problem of dbox wanting to reboot every 30 minutes or so. Thank you.
Nice no nonsense image gav...
Very quick channel change...nice picture...i like it !!
Slower reboot , dont care about that though (it always on )
gr8 work m8 !!!