image not working. help please

i ve got an sagem d box with an intell 1x1 chip on the board. i tryed to flase an sportster image on it. but when i was flashing the box it crashed. and i did not back up the image first. now the box just hangs on the sportster loading screen. and the box is not booting. and i dont know the ip address of the d box anymore. [it has changed] i tryed image flash ass. but no joy. please can someone help. as i dont know what to do not. [do i need to put the box back in d mode. so that i can put the box back to factory setting. so the box loads. and i can put the image on.
d box help

i tryed ifa. i can can it to work. and i dont know the ip address of the box 2 connect it to the pc. so i cant flash the boot. it is doing my haed in. please help if you can.
Without a working image on the box there is no IP address assigned to the box.
The bootloader ask for a IP over the network and IFA answer with a IP.
Read a IFA tut from the downloads.
you do not need to know the ip addy for ifa
in ifa there are options 1 2 and 3
option 1 is where you select the image you want to flash ie the path to where it is
option 2 is where you select your network card
option 3 is whether you have a null modom cable connected.(you dont need it ) so if not connected select nien or no
connect the crossover cable between pc an dbox
unplug power from dbox
set up ifa as describwed above
click start and ok
and when the screen minimises plug in the dbox.
the image should now flash.
if not try again
if still not then you are doing something wrong.
d box 2 help

i tyred the ifa guide that you said. when i click ok and the box minamise. it then comes up with an error 10048 address all ready i use. and there i nothing on the box lcd.
A other programm has taken the pc network card.
Maybe ICS or a dhcp server on the pc. Disable that stuff.