Hot Nokia DBox2


Inactive User
Aug 13, 2007
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Just wondering if there might be a problem with my Nokia DBox2 as it appears to be rather hot. I touched the casing the other day and burned my finger, well maybe not but it was hot !!! :proud: Are there fans inside the DBox or i it the case they just get hot ?
They just get hot mate make sure it has room all around it and nothing blocking the air holes or fit a fan
Nokia is usually warm to the touch, compared to a Pace 4001- which you can fry eggs on! I hope you haven't got another box sitting directly on top of it, though?

But it's a good idea (maybe urgent in your case) to pull the lid off and remove the modem, which sits alongside the tuner can. This will allow a better airflow around the tuner, and reduce the load (hence heat) on the PSU.

Oh- and give it a good dusting out while you're in there! Cheers- AL
....or be super nerdy and install a fan :)