HM Revenue & Customs


Inactive User
Nov 5, 2005
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I have just received a letter from HM Revenue & Customs as they were unable to obtain my details of my pay and tax for this year (5th April 2007).

They have requested I send them my p60 and P45 part 1a form to them that I recieved from my employers, so they can make sure I havn't paid too much tax.

I have worked in 3 different places sinc November last year until the point of April 2007.

The 1st employer I worked through an umbrella company and they provided me with a P45 and the other 2 have both provided me with a P60 form.

Do I require a P45 from the 2 employers who gave me a P60 and do I have to send the P45 that the umbrella company gave me as the tax is on £0?

What you've got there should be fine. Yes even is tax is at £0, send them that P45.
just a p60 should be ok. they want to know how much you earned in a year. i never sent them you just tell them over the hone.
I thnought they will aid in tax relief and hence needed to send p60 and p45 for proof to aid in the relief of tax?
p60 should tell them how much tax you paid in the last year. if they want both send it to them, but you may not get them back.
word of warning, anything u send make sure you have copies before sending.
I have just received a letter from HM Revenue & Customs as they were unable to obtain my details of my pay and tax for this year (5th April 2007).

They have requested I send them my p60 and P45 part 1a form to them that I recieved from my employers, so they can make sure I havn't paid too much tax.

I have worked in 3 different places sinc November last year until the point of April 2007.

The 1st employer I worked through an umbrella company and they provided me with a P45 and the other 2 have both provided me with a P60 form.

Do I require a P45 from the 2 employers who gave me a P60 and do I have to send the P45 that the umbrella company gave me as the tax is on £0?


if its from the tax office they will want all the p45's what you should have got from your employers for the tax year just gone. to make sure you paid your taxes. if you paid more they will refund you it.
P60 will not be enough if you have worked for different employers, send the P45s too, by the way you should only receive a P60 from your current employer at the end of a tax year not previous employers
well from Parasol I just got a P45 (umbrella company) my other 2 employers (1 which was part time) bot gave P60's and no P45's.

I am sending them the coppies rather then the originals, is that ok?
well from Parasol I just got a P45 (umbrella company) my other 2 employers (1 which was part time) bot gave P60's and no P45's.

I am sending them the coppies rather then the originals, is that ok?

Were you work for the companies at the same time?

I would send copies but I think that they will ask for the originals.

Any company that you have worked for on a PAYE basis must provide you with a P45, after your last payment (there is a legal time limit from the last payment but I can't remember what it is).

If you did not provide a new employer with a P45, it is likely that you were put on a BR tax code (look at your pay slips it will tell you) if so you are probably due to a rebate
After my 1st job I was free for a month or so and then with my new job I didnt provide them my P60 and I was working weekdays for my 2nd job and 3rd job weekends which was only contratced for 6 weeks and finished now.
I work for HMRC no hissing please lol we will not accept copies, only originals, send in both p60's mate and also the p45, the reson the letter is sent out is cos we ahve gaps in your record and trying to sort it out, asking you is easier than asking company cos they moan and take forever to reply
I work for HMRC no hissing please lol we will not accept copies, only originals, send in both p60's mate and also the p45, the reson the letter is sent out is cos we ahve gaps in your record and trying to sort it out, asking you is easier than asking company cos they moan and take forever to reply

well done m8 you deserve a rep for surely. :Clap: