Help with Black screen Toshiba Laptop

give you as much info as i can its my sons laptop

ok Toshiba Satelite L300-149 Laptop
He was using it on thursday night turned off as normal the on Friday tried to start it up, all he got was black screen cant see start or cursor

I drained all the power removed battery then help the power button for 30 secs connected power back up can now hear the fan going but still black screen cant see anything at all, so cant get into bios or start up any one any ideas

Regards Bonni
Mate sounds like the RAM is gone. it does not get to BIOS or show you the post screen. Total black screen nothing comes up but you can hear the fan or HDD (probably RAM)

This has happened to me on at least 3 occasions mate

Do u have any spear RAM to test itr with, maybe another machine to just check and you can swap back out, but be careful you earth yourself first and remove the battery before opening the RAM slot
taken Ram outta Toshiba put into my Gateway and put the gateway Ram into Toshiba, My Gtaeway is coming on ok, but the Toshiba still black nothing OMG
nightmare lol
If the RAM out the Tosh fitted the Gateway and booted, it's not the RAM. The different RAM types are not compatible with each other and as such they are designed to only fit one type of slot (SD, DDR, DDR2 etc).

Do you have an external monitor you can hook up to the laptop? (You may need to cycle through the options using one of the "F" keys).
thx........pls keep this thread goin..........same bloomin thing happened my acer only last screen. cant access bios, tried external monitor , still nowt
give you as much info as i can its my sons laptop

ok Toshiba Satelite L300-149 Laptop
He was using it on thursday night turned off as normal the on Friday tried to start it up, all he got was black screen cant see start or cursor

I drained all the power removed battery then help the power button for 30 secs connected power back up can now hear the fan going but still black screen cant see anything at all, so cant get into bios or start up any one any ideas

Regards Bonni

What happens if you plug an external monitor into the port?
does your lappy have D-connector? if you have, get a monitor cable and conect it to a monitor or if you have a lcd tv with d -connector. If you get a picture on monitor or lcd, then its your lcd screen on your lappy faulty