Getting Rytec Epg working on a TM600 help!


VIP Member
VIP Member
Feb 25, 2007
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Have been trying to get this running as it works very well on my DM500,
so thought it cant be that difficult as they are both enigma1 boxes,

I am able to install the SQLite plugin and the Rytec xml plugin,the Rytec one works fine and can download the latest lists for mapping inside the SQLite plugin,

But I cant get the SQLite plugin to run keep getting the following error


now I presume its something to do with some sort of button mapping difference on the TM but cant be sure and dont have a clue how to edit the file to correct this error,

Any ideas guys :)
It does not work on the tm600 m8. Reasons to do with it working on usb ports
can you post the files your trying to use, pretty sure alot needs be changed from default enigma to get it working though, and that's why only some images can use it.
Ok guys heres the plugin in question,
any and all ideas welcome :)

Just delete the .rar from the end as the site does not accept .tar.gz files ;)
Sorry, Wiz- but you're on a hiding to nothing with this one, m8. I've seen the same error during some of my recent PLi image hacking (getting Radio Times SQLite EPG to work), and can tell you the exact reason why you see this error box, and why the problem has no solution for your TM600...

This plugin will only work in PLi and Nabilo images, and is nabilo origin. Both image types have a fair-sized chunk of support code for it in their obese enigma binaries. So that 'undefined symbol' gobbledegook you see is actually stuff that is supposed to be in enigma itself, linking to it's associated plugin.

Sadly, you cannot add this code into the enigma binary of your 600, it has to be compiled in to begin with. This exercise is therefore 'Mission Impossible'...

Cheers- AL :nopity:

PS- Forgot to mention: /lib/ (410kb) is also needed in the image by this plugin.
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Cheers Al,
Now if only we could get them to release the source code hmmm
Wiz- the main thing missing from non-PLi / Nabilo images with sqlite EPG support in the binary, is the ability to create /tmp/epg.db (80kb approx) each time the box is rebooted.

This path assumes a locally hosted 1 day epg, 2 days max- not a mount 7 or 8 day jobbie like you 'n me are using on our dm500 boxes. But I found a sneaky workaround for that, by getting this kit running in SS 4.1 DM500. That image is 18 month's old, and certainly has NO sql/plugin support in it's binary! But it works for me...

So maybe all is not lost? I've only been into dm500 for less than 2 months. At the outset, I found Scruff's tute here DWZ about editing root squashfs an invaluable resource:

Whether your image is public (PLi 500) or not (TM600?) should make no difference. If you can extract the root structure from this 600 image and get it to your vm ubuntu platform ready for some little tweaks, then you might be cooking on gas soon...

Cheers- AL :)
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I have managed to get it to my desktop Al,
The squashfs partition was located in mtd3 and not mtd5 like the dreambox but other then that it seems have worked fine :)

Right time to boot up a linux distro ;)
It's tread very carefully time wiz... You need to find out how much free (wasted) space is available to you in that root, for adding the heavyish sqlite3 libfile.

Telnet into the tm600 and do a df command for starters, and report back on the size of the root partition you see on the first line- the one that's 100% Used.

Then do this command:

cat /dev/mtd/3 > /tmp/root.img

which 'should' make a backup of your 600 mtd3 root partition in /tmp - relying on your mtd3 info (which is Flash w/o Bootloader on the dm500, LOL!)

Give us the EXACT size of that root image in bytes, please. We can then deduct one from the other, and see if there's any room to spare, or if some of the usual Enigma flab has to be removed first, to make way for your vital sql epg stuff to go in.

I bet Renny was wishing he was following this thread- he's got a dm600, LMAO!!

Ok when I follow ellie's directions to back up my squashfs partition I get a root.tar file 18.6mb in size,

If I use the web interface to backup the mtd3 partition I get an image file 6,750,208,

If I use your command above Al I get the exact same i.e. 6,750,208

And here is a pic of the results of the df command

Looks like you're laughing, Wiz! You have 384kb of free (squashed) space in the root to play with, m8.

Rip the out of your dm500 PLi image and pop it into /lib on the 600 root. You can add dbepg.cfg and (755) into /lib/tuxbox/plugins as well.

When you recreate the squashfs-root.img - check that it's size is less than 6,750,208 bytes. I guesstimate that it'll be around 200kb inside that top limit.

Important question: are you intending to have the tm600 connected to your server, with a seperate mount on there for the EPG? (The two boxes won't be able to share the one existing media/hdd/epg.db file currently being used by your dm500).

Cheers- AL :)
Cheers Al,
I will setup a seperate mount for the TM600 m8,

I presume I am adding these files into the untar'ed root.tar and then re-squashfs'ing it as per ellie's instructions yes?
Ok I have added the lib file and followed ellie's guide to convert it back to a squashfs.img,

But it wont allow me to flash it back,if I try the web interface flash to mtd3 it just sits there doing nothing,

And if I try "cp /tmp/squashfs.img /dev/mtd/3" it gives me a "unable to open:permission denied" error

1. What is the size of the squashfs.img that's created, in Kb or bytes. please?

2. After FTP'ing the new root image to /tmp - the Telnet command string I use to reflash root on dm500 is:

cd /tmp && eraseall /dev/mtd/5 && cp root.img /dev/mtd/5 && reboot

so for your 600, you'd need to make this:

cd /tmp && eraseall /dev/mtd/3 && cp squashfs.img /dev/mtd/3 && reboot

and pray... (I hope DreamUP works for you? Might pay you to do a Flash w/o Bootloader image backup first, just in case things go tits up)

3. EPG prep:

Telnet to your PLi dm500 and do this command:

rm -f /media/hdd/epg.db && rm -f /tmp/.enigma && sync;/sbin/reboot

(if you're not using that same mount point, then change the path to the actual on in use)

PLi should create a new epg.db basic file of around 80kb filesize on your vm ubuntu shared epg folder. So go in there and copy that file to the new 600 epg shared folder you've created. Also, keep a backup of that file safely on your PC, just in case. (Your 600 won't auto-create that file on a restart like PLi does, so it might come in handy later).

You'll have to reload your 500 7/8 Day EPG when you're through with this step.

Cheers- AL :)
Its 6,512,640 to be exact Al,mind you thats smaller then the original!!

I have already tried your command above but all I get is "-sh: eraseall: not found",

I think this a permissions problem regarding dev/mtd/3 but cant see a way around it as you cant use sudo from a telnet session
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Nah- the crafty fookers have left /bin/eraseall (5kb 755) out of the image. FTP in and see if it exists, m8- I bet it doesn't!

Hmmm... Try the attached one (just knock off the .txt extension) in /var/bin and chmod it to 755 and then see if that root reflash command works, Wiz.

BTW- is your tm600 on your 'Accidental Damage' cover on your House Contents insuranace policy???


ps: Your new root isn't 'smaller' than the original, really. You had 384kb space in there to play with, now you have 232kb, slightly more than I forecast. Did you put the dbepg plugin into root as well, like I suggested? If not, go for it- you still have room to spare! Your root partition is still going to stay fixed at 6,750,208 bytes, even though a smaller 100% useage figure will be reported by df in telnet.

Just don't do anything that allows the root image size to EXCEED that 6,750,208 bytes limit!!
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Nah still a no go,very slightly different error though

eraseall: /dev/mtd/3: Permission denied :(

I have tried chmoding the whole /dev/mtd/ folder and files,which it lets me do?,but it still returns the same error.
Morning Al :)

Yes m8 logged in as root :(

Seems they have locked this baby down tight,barstewards.
Yep- I bet I know who is behind it as well, LOL!

Oh well, as memory ain't an issue on the 600 (so I've read)- you might as well try the plugin in all the correct folders (and permissions) under /var

Then try the file in /var/lib (and hope that the assholes have created the necessary environment for this, with:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/tmp:/var/lib:/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

in /etc/profile

If not, you could try adding that line in /var/etc/profile

Cheers- AL :)