fans not spinning - alternative source?


Premium Member
Premium Member
May 18, 2005
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chaps, got a box here and the fans ain't working, tried a new set and looks like what ever runs them is gooshed, where can i source another 12v supply from that would be OK to attach the fans too? multi meter time?

EDIT: looks like the bottom of the boards going to have to have it!

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Loking at doing it myself dibbers on a rrod ive just successfully xclamped.


There is also a way you can T into a wire on the dvd drive power cable
ah yeah i see, i think to be honest i'd rather take 12v from the power than the dvd drive just in case there's any stress on what powers the DVD drive if you get me, just in case some thing goes on the board as it would be supplying the dvd drive and the fans pulling a bit more power ....cheers as ever man!
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arnt the fans variable speed
as the xbox gets hotter the fans speed increases
so the fault isnt a power fault it is a fault with a heat sensor on the main board
where? sorry dont know
yeah they are but when they are burnt out, like the controller then there's no option other than to wire them up too a 12v source and if they sound like a hoover it's all that can be done i think...
The 12v fan mod whilst loud will keep your 360 cool, thus preventing any rrods.