
Staff member
sorry everyone i told you all this weekend gone (or monday) i forgot it was my brothers birthday on sunday and i had to pull the plug on the whole thing :(

no worry though i have scheduled it for thursday around 2pm they have given me a window of 4 hours (max) to complete there part.... so hopefully its ready for me by 5pm but 6pm is latest and i can sort everything out.

expect the site to be down on thursday around 3pm- as late as 8-9pm depending what problems i run into lol.

on thursday i gotta work still... so i will leave the board open for help but all posts will be lost from 8am thursday and i will also disable registration weds night as all members after my last backup will be lost also.

dont worry should go smooth and we will be back thursday night with a much better server

but dont worry we will be abck better than ever and thats the important part ;)

Mickie D
there is another catch lol

on thursday i gotta work still... so i will leave the board open for help but all posts will be lost from 8am thursday and i will also disable registration weds night as all members after my last backup will be lost also.

dont worry should go smooth and we will be back thursday night with a much better server

added this message to the first post
my personal machine is dieing for a makeover aswell lol... ill save that for the weekend ;)

should not take long, depends what pops up and you know what these machines are like ;), but saying that its a unix platform not a windows so should be good ;)