Duo 2 owners


Global Moderator
Staff member
Aug 12, 2003
Reaction score
Black Country

I need a little help I have installed openvix and openatv I can get sky to clear but vm wont, have I missed something, I have check my cline on my solose and vm is working fine


oscam m8 same setup as I had on solo2 and solose just cant get VM to clear not even the FTA channels
Well youve just stated the FTA dont clear so something is a miss with the tuner setup or scanning parameters.
Well youve just stated the FTA dont clear so something is a miss with the tuner setup or scanning parameters.

hi m8

I know I just cant figure it out I even swop tuner with the SE and still nothing, my provider says he can see me connected but not clearing this end, soloSE works pluged
it back in to be sure.

all I have done is install image setup sat tuners installed ABM and setup cable tuners and its always worked in other boxes just not du02 I'm lost now not sure which way to turn.
any one got any ideas I get a pop up when I try a VM channel no data on transponder but if I plug in SoloSE its working fine

when I got the duo2 this morning there was a little link cable but no instruction on what to do with it, whats it for
When you use ABM to scan how many channels do you pull in ?

All of the m8 398 and it even pulls in epg, my provider says its connecting to server but channels don't clear my end
Faulty tuner ?
Yeah well it will connect to the server regardless of the tuner.

Run a manual scan with the Virgin brute force option selected and then scroll through the main list of channel not the bouquets.

when box arrived it was setup slot 1 sat tuner, slot 2 cable tuner only sat tuner worked, so I swopped them around and slot 1 cable tuner, slot 2 sat tuner only cable tuner worked.

put them in slot 1 by them selves they both work, I just cant get them to work when both plugged in, any ideas m8.
from a fault finding point of view mate everything seems to work outside slot 2 so if I have read your post right I would say slot 2 is faulty
from a fault finding point of view mate everything seems to work outside slot 2 so if I have read your post right I would say slot 2 is faulty
its looking that way m8 what a pain wait for them to collect before they ship out a new one :(

I was hoping it was just a matter of installing a driver or plugin but no such luck :(
well contacted supplier didn't go as well as I expected only time will tell.
it was vix 5.026 I have spoken to WOS and its going back as he said never heard of this type of fault
Ive not napster to be honest.

Strange indeed that both tuners are recognised but slot 2 wont run a tuner of any sort even with just that slot in use.

very odd.