here`s some intresting reading guys , i dont know if GENDT08 will work for us but worth trying :
RQCS Setup
This is a how-to guide to set up RQCS server using ISO programmer utilizing N2 or N3 card. This guide
only shows how to setup using Windows platform. (I might update to include linux, but that’s for later)
Information in this guide is written for educational purpose that you may use to learn. Please use at
your own risk.
Required Equipment:
1. Computer
2. ISO Programmer
3. N2 / N3 Card
1. First of all, we need to get your ISO configured to your computer. You can use standard ISO
programmer or USB ISO Programmer. I have had no issues using the USB ISO Programmer; it
has worked flawlessly for me (TurboMax).
2. Assuming you have working ISO Programmer, you need to know what COM port it is using. You
should be able to find this out in Device Manger of your computer.
3. After you have downloaded the RQCS, unzip to a folder. Open the folder, you will find 6 files.
You only need 2 of them in order to run rqcs server:
a. rqcs.conf (configuration file)
b. rqcs.exe (window executable)
4. The configuration file in two main sections: General and Slots. General section covers
information about platform of the server, debugging information, and logging. Slot section
covers information pertaining to each card being used. You could run multiple cards using
multiple slots. For example, you could use 2 cards that different subscription to view all
channels on the client. Note: both cards need to same encryptions (N2 or N3) if you going to
use echo client with echo irds. Otherwise, it won’t work.
In order to run the server, you basically need to fill in the correct information in the
configuration file. I am going go over the configuration lines (Configuration file discusses most
the needed the information). I am only going to highlight the lines that need changing.
a. [General ]
i. log_to_file=0 (change 0 to 1 to enable logging)
ii. logfile_name = Path file (i. e. C:\rq-client\client.log)
b. [Logical-Slot:Lower] (for additional slot, change the Lower to another name)
i. enabled=1 <- should be 1 if the slot is enabled.
ii. sci_type=1 <- should be 1 for windows platform
iii. sci_ordinal=0 <- this should match the com port of iso programmer (0 = COM1,
1 = COM2, etc)
iv. Session Key Negotiation section needs to be filled with information from the
card that is being shared. There are 4 different way to authenticate the card.
1. box_key <- If the subbed ird you are using dt08, then providing the
box_key should be enough. You should be able to jtag the receiver and
find the box_key. See the following if your receiver used dt08 or not:
DT08 For d*sh:
a. 2700/2800/3800/3900/4900,
b. 301.10
c. 501
d. 508
e. 6000
f. 301.13
g. 510
h. 311
i. 322
j. 522/625
k. 721
l. 811
m. 921
n. 942
o. all VIP
2. DT06 <- use this if the subbed ird doesn’t use DT08, then you could use
DT06. If you have Ird that previously used ROM102 and you have image
for it, you should be able to get the DT06 from that image. You need to
provide box_key as well for this to work.
3. CAM N <- similar to above.
4. SK <- this used if the receiver uses Secondary Key. This can be obtained
from the TSOP flash. I believe you can use GenT08 to get it.
v. protocol_server_port <- you can use any port you wish. Just don’t use common
ones, anything above 10000 should be okay unless it being used for another
applications. Default port is 10000.
vi. protocol_server_newcamd_des_key <- this is a encryption algorithm that is
used to encrypt the data being passed to and from server and client. This is 28
digits key. You can make your own.
vii. protocol_server_users <- on this line, you can specify the users that can connect
to this server. The specification are very easy and between every user, “|” used
to separated. (i.e. userass|user1ass1|user2ass3|user4ass4)
viii. protocol_server_max_active_users <- you can use this to limit the number of
users that can log on the server.
6. This ends the configuration the lower slot. You can add more slots if you wish you multiple
Starting the Server:
Now, we can try to start the server to see if it works. Click on the rqcs.exe. It should open a dos window
with following information:
****************** Starting log on Sun Mar 22 15:29:00 2009 ******************
Configuration settings:
Debug level: 3
Starting Logical Slot 'Lower' [Users: 15]
Device Path: COM1 | Listening Port: 10000
Opening sci... Done
Detecting card... Card present
Resetting card... Done
Identifying card type...
Historical bytes: D N A S P 2 4 1 D s h H 0 2
44 4E 41 53 50 32 34 31 20 44 73 68 48 30 32
Card type: Nagra
ROM Revision: 241
EEPROM Revision: DshH02
Configuring sci...
SCI | Conv: Inverse | Baud Rate: 115200 | Stop Bits: 2 | Parity: Odd
Slot custom parameters:
des_key: **************************** (THIS IS YOUR DES KEY: 26 DIGITS)
box_key: *************** (THIS IS YOUR BOX_KEY OF YOUR IRD: 16 DIGITS)
Card start-up initialization...
Using DT08 session negotiation method:
Setting Field Size: Done
Retrieving IRD serial number: ******** (THIS IS YOUR IRD SERIAL)
Retrieving CAM serial number: ******** (THIS IS YOUR IRD SERIAL)
Retrieving System IDs: 0101,0102,0106 <- THESE ARE ALL THE SYSTEM IDS ON YOUR CARD.
Retrieving CAM modulus (DT08): Done
Retrieving CAM challenge data: Done
Performing Session Key Negotiation: Successful
Starting card worker thread... Done
Starting protocol server on port 10000 [newcamd protocol]
Logical Slot 'Lower' READY!
If you screen looks as above, congratulations! Your card is ready to be shared. This has worked for me
on multiple setups. I hope this helps you as well.
Client Setup:
Steps-by-Steps Setting up cw800PRV CardSharing service
(Created by skouk007)
Folks, here are the simple steps to set up CW800 with card sharing service assuming you're already have access to
card-share server. If you don't have access yet, you can request with card-sharing admin. There're plenty of Card-
Share services out there so search around and try at your own risk.
For this particular setup I signed up my testing service at:
1. Download the file "", the file can be downloaded from many FTA sites.
2. Extract the zip file to any directory of your choice. If you extracted to your desktop you will see the folder called
File descriptions:
- rq-sssp-client.bcm947xx - Binary for WRT54G and compatible linux routers.
- rq-sssp-client.conf - Configuration file. All versions.
- rq-sssp-client.exe - Binary for Windows (WIN32).
- rq-sssp-client.mips - Binary for MIPS boxes (Dreambox DM800HD and DM8000HD).
- rq-sssp-client.ppc - Binary for PowerPC boxes (Dreambox DM500, DM600,DM7000,
DM7020, Triple Dragon and DGStation boxes).
- rq-sssp-client.st40 - Binary for ST40 boxes (Kathrein UFS 910/IPBOX 9000HD).
- rq-sssp-client.x86 - Binary for Linux i386 PC's.
- rq-sssp-client-readme.txt - Description of rq-sssp-client
3. Open rq-sssp-client.conf file with WordPad (Do not open with notepad). See the content of the configuration file
################################################## #############################
# rq-sssp-client configuration file
# All configuration options in this file observe the same format:
# <configuration_name>=<configuration_value
################################################## #############################
########################### general configuration #############################
# Serial port where the client receiver is connected.
# Examples:
# Linux PC: /dev/ttyS0, /dev/ttyS1, ... /dev/ttyS
# Dreambox/TD/DGS: /dev/tts/0, /dev/tts/1, ... /dev/tts/
# Windows: COM1, COM2, ... COM
# Serial port communication settings.
# Example: 115200|8|N|1 = 115200bps, 8 data bis, no parity, 1 stop bit.
# Receiver protocol (only SSSP supported).
# 0 - SSSP
# Sets the byte write delay. The default value of this parameter is zero.
# IMPORTANT: Normally you should *not* need to change this value. But if
# you're having problems with unreliable emu board communication, you can
# tweak this to see if the situation improves. Sensible values for this
# parameter go from 0 to 500 (microseconds).
# NOTE: This parameter *has no effect* in the Dreambox versions (PPC and MIPS).
# Enable or disable background execution
# 0 - Disable
# 1 - Enable
# NOTE: Ignored in the WIN32 version.
# This sets the level of console output for debugging:
# 0 - Silent, 1 - Basic debug info, 2 - Extended debug info,
# 3 - Show all debug info
# This option enables or disables the writing of debug information to the
# console.
# This option enables or disables the writing of console output to a log file
# When log_to_file is set to 1, this is the path and filename to write console
# ouput to.
# NOTE: In the WIN32 version, if enabled, this should be set to a valid
# Windows/DOS path.
# URL of card-server to use, formats are as follows:
# newcamd://<username>:<password>@<hostname>:<port>/<des_key>/[EMM]
# Example:
# newcamd://foo:
[email protected]:12345/0 ... B371E3/EMM
# NOTE: The "EMM" suffix is optional and tells rq-sssp-client whether
# to send EMM's to the card-server or not. Enabling or disabling this only
# has effect if the card-server is configured to accept emms from this client.
# Multiple card-server url's can be specified for server fail-over.
# If the emu fails to connect or fails to get valid CW's, it will try to
# connect to other servers in a round-robin fashion.
# Up to 65 servers can be added from index 0 to 63, plus a non-indexed parameter
# named "card_server_url"
# card_server_url=newcamd://dummy:
[email protected]:10000/0102030405060708091011121314/EMM
# card_server_url_0=newcamd://dummy_2:
[email protected]:10000/0102030405060708091011121314/EMM
# card_server_url_1=newcamd://dummy_3:
[email protected]:10000/0102030405060708091011121314/EMM
# This is your Card-Share Service access that was granted by Admin (below is just example only)
[email protected]:12345/0CE3476FF2E1C9D9A0A109B371E3
Please note that in this configuration file only two lines needed to modify: Make changes to
these two lines in green and saved it.
a. Serial port - if using Windows default port=COM1. If your PC not recognize COM1 you can change to COM2,3...etc.
b. URL of card-share server
4. Now connect your cw800 to your PC using rs232 Serial null cable. Connect one end to your PC port and the other end
to your CW800 port.
5. Turn on your PC and your CW800
5a. Enable cw800 card-sharing ecm by pressing: F1 555 (You should see that on the screen)
6. Open rq-sssp-client-1.00-binaries folder and run rq-sssp-client.exe