[DOWNLOAD] OpenATV 4.0.Cloud Ibox 3 Backup By alimac


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OpenATV 4.0.Cloud Ibox 3 Backup By alimac


Image dated 15/05/2014

1 channel

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AutoBouquets E2

BBC iplayer

Cool Tv Guide v7.0.0

CrossEPG 0.8.1

EMC V3.7.4 BETA (Enhanced Movie Center)

Full back-up on HDD/USB

IPTV List Updater

ITV Player

Media Player

Media scanner




Picture player

Rats DW Picon updater

Rats DW channel updater

TSmedia 7.5


MetrixHD (Default)


Oscam 9705/CCcam2.1.3
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Thanks for this. Take it this should be "safe" at least in the sense that it is pre 17/5? I know we are still flashing at own risk etc etc but in theory at least it pre dates the killer drivers.

Thanks for this. Take it this should be "safe" at least in the sense that it is pre 17/5? I know we are still flashing at own risk etc etc but in theory at least it pre dates the killer drivers.

This image is fine on the v1 box and clones mate.
Works great Ali and similar area so even my boquets are set up! Really appreciate you uploading this great work.

Is there any way you can block updates or write protect the image in some way? The reason I ask is putting this one in the kids room and a few wrong presses of the buttons and it could end up a brick!