Dbox2 channel error

HI i have just got my Dbox and done a scan (useing gav's sportster image) i get loads of channels but its weird half of them dont work like bbc1,bbc2,bbc but others do like sky sports, adults its weird have i got a problem in the scan? I have tried a scan 3 times and same results?

any idea on what i might be doing wrong???

Gavs image is one of the best, but these boxes seem to be all different, its best to try a few images till you find one that your box likes,strange but true.
tried 3 images
NextGen 2x EPG Time Key Fix.img

with weird results > on all of them diffrent channels show n diffrent channels dont work its weird will keep lookin 4 other images but best would b if i could find a service.xml for my area

ive got nokia 2xAMD any sugestions?
Fergalsworld said:
Try the right one for your box ie:2x or 1x depending on how many chips in your box.
dont no if they contain the bruteforce files....if not just transfer them over.

bruteforce whats that and where would i get the files from?
Check your signal readings...RED > BLUE (i think)

BER should be as low as possible
SNR should be above 55000
SIG doesn't really matter...above 30000 really.

You may just have a weak signal which is causing the varying results. If your feed is from a splitter, try using the main cable feed or if you have a broadband feed, try that!
ok tried a brute force image from dowloads but it was weird instead of sym6887 or somthing had astra n stuff there think it was a satelite one

This is what i get
BER = 30
SNR = 62456
SIG = 42919

seems fine right? ive got it split at the bottom of the stairs and then split again upstairs so 2 splitters >> tried the main cable and it seems the same
Glad you got it going m8 but what exactly did you do? Might help other folk with the same problem...and I'm intrigued too!

i dont kow what it did but i went into menu and selected a diffrent emu and ucode(if thats that it is i selected the one ending in 14) and then did a scan and it worked jus played rnd with it really
set boquets to update m8 as you might be left with different boquets if left to leave current one

services xml

sry noob here ive got a services xml for teleport how do i upload it to the bdox is it threw ftp if so where does it go.
and can somebody post gavs img i cant find it anywhere.
lol i had not even seen a dbox2 in my life or read about em untill yesterday when my dbox2 got dropped off there pretty easy. its easy to think there gunna be this major thing to do but its pretty similar to the way u would ftp the bios over to a chipped xbox eh like u have the same kind of stuff ont he screen with them like to flash it etc etc. i found it pretty easy but then im used to using ftp,s anyways and shit so maybe thats why? :Cheers: and u dont need a serivces.xml i thought that but i just did a bruteforce scan coz i couldnt find one for my area i used a bouqet tho coz i cba sorting me chans in order meself heh