

Im doing a 4001n box for my bro in law who lives in pure n*l. Can someone confirm which ver of the flash is working there. I live in excw so I cant test it working here, I havent put it on stream here Ive just cut talkback and done a fun 4 which shows waiting in EM. When I boot it waits on tune Im assuming its because Im not putting it on stream. He`s picking it up this weekend and I just want to be sure it works for him when he takes it away. Also how can I be sure Ive cut the talkback properly or will he have to check it out once he`s up and running.

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is thie net id right for area and to check talk back press the ineractive and if cut properly you will get a message not available or something like that hope this helps

Ive not changed the netid or the freq and Ive checked its still set for his area. I cant check the interactive as I cant put it on stream where I am.
