Cloud Ibox3

did everything we wrote in the guide
three different fat32 usb sticks
nothing done
black screen only a start in the ignition
must give him some graphics
did everything we wrote in the guide
three different fat32 usb sticks
nothing done
black screen only a start in the ignition
must give him some graphics
not always black screen
I wanted to upload an image for cloudbox3
I do try it
not always black screen telnet in the command bar explain me better
not always black screen telnet in the command bar explain me better

Mate i think your broken English or the translator that your using is causing some confusion on my behalf

Are you able to login to you box with telnet ?

see attached


  • putty.rar
    213.4 KB · Views: 0
sorry I restarted the computer
no longer let me in with filezilla,
from this moment only the two lights of the eternet cable light up
I am demoralized
Ok I understand I open the dec and I take the initials of the power supply,
thanks mulle inform you as soon as possible
First measure your resistance between GND and VCC on the powerjack to rule out you have a broken compoenent. Then Measure the current, if box is pulling like 300mA + then probably the flash or CFE inside the flash broken.
Hi everyone who helped me
I solved it with my cloud ibox 3,
I wanted to publish my image
the rules are to ask the administrator. Or I can publish it,
thanks for an answer

Hi mate

We would love to have your images here please post away

You can post them here

Ibox Satellite Files

Thanks 👍