Chaning images but retaining channel listings


Inactive User
Apr 9, 2008
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One flew over the cuckoo's nest

I am wanting to change image form laky pro 1 to one of the newer ones as it freezers quite regularly but dont want to have to go through the hassel of re-programming all of my channel listings.

On the old images (i.e. pacino and sportster) you used to be able to FTP to the box and save your service file and you could just zapit back in once image was changed but in Laky pro 1 you dont get this option.

Does anyone know how this can be done?
Could be wrong m8,but Im sure Laky pro has the capability to extract and ftp your service.xm file.l
Just set up ftp and transfer your service files and bouquets to your pc then when you flash new image, transfer them back to the zapit folder. I'm running Laky pro myself m8.
I agree, the process is just the same as for other images.

FTP to box then /var/tuxbox/config/zapit/
And Lacky pro is one of the recent images. I would check your connections and system settings 1st.