Changeing date

How can you reset date on card(rom 10)if when you use nagra edit no standard tier 8 shows up.
many thanks
What image are you using?
The images on here have all the dates sorted already for you so you shouldn't need to do this.
trying to do a rom 10 card (mosc)will try doing a fun or tit card aswell,what image would you recomend,and for what card.
many thanks
ka004h9564 said:
trying to do a rom 10 card (mosc)will try doing a fun or tit card aswell,what image would you recomend,and for what card.
many thanks
Use one of these for rom, atmega (exeep file after converting to .bin) & tit cards m8, all you have to do is enter your IRD and BK, nothing else and then write to card as instructed.

If you are going to write a funcard you will need RSTgen to generate your flash file and then you will need to download the latest RST ineep file from the download section.
put image in to mosc,then loaded card,then put in cable box still dont work,it says invalid card.(im lost.)
iv cut talk back,read rom 10 card,put ird,box key in image,what can i try next.
the only thing i think i have not done is set the net id which should be right as the box comes from my area(am i right in thinking that).
clive58 said:
invalid card means your ird or bk aint right mate, check it out.
Hi m8,i will check my card again tomorrow but i think it is right,i put my bk in aswell as my ird(which i put in backwards)
one other thing i was going to try is net id,should it need changeing if i had the box out of my area.
many thanks
tried to reread my card this morning,says cant open backdoor key(locked)
is there any other way to just write a card i have got the ird and boxkey.
ps i have got tit and fun cards.
Hi All,

@ka004h9564 If I were you M8 I would start with the funcard just to make sure Ird & BK are correct? then move onto the AU cards.