change net id advice reqiured

  • Thread starter Thread starter scrivs9
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i am trying to change the net id of a 4000t
i have removed and replaced the red jumper so it is now 09999
i already have a box working so i have crossed checked all other settings with that one
i am using a usb infinity unlimited programmer with a atmega163 card

in the flash. i put a t\w flash

in the int EEprom i put the hex which includes my net id which is A007

in the ext EEprom i put in my bin file i created with toxic 7

but still won't reboot have i missed something...
i have looked in the dropdown menu of my programmer
i have funcard setting but not funcard4
i have prussian card4
would i use the funcard setting..
prussian card4 is a funcard 6 m8, {try you normal funcard setting 1st} otherwise use the prussian setting funcard 4-5 or 6 will do
right got the funcard4
set programmer to prussian card 2
put in the three files
write card
place in cable while in eng menu
in card ststus it says mute err
i am trying to change the net id of a 4000t
i have removed and replaced the red jumper so it is now 09999
i already have a box working so i have crossed checked all other settings with that one
i am using a usb infinity unlimited programmer with a atmega163 card

in the flash. i put netid file from the rar tut.

in the int EEprom i put the hex which includes my net id which is A007 2 lines of code

in the ext EEprom i put in my bin file i created with toxic 7 which i have placed my ird as it says in my eng menu 12 first and put my bk key

nothing happens in card status says cannot decode

my dilemma is should i buy a scart to serial or a sledgehammer..
in the flash = toxic7btw.hex file
int.eeprom = hex.file i created with netid
ext.eeprom = toxic7 bin created with my ird and bk keys

how do i make sure it is teir 1
i am using a funcard4