Calling Experts.

Hi Guys.
Great site. And its the only one I can seem to join. The others never seem to send out their activation mails.
anyway. I have my shiny new dbox2, flashed with a new sportster image, did a scan and got nearly 300 channels (tw) through my cable nternet line.
I got a splitter and I can now use both fine. However, there are a couple of things I cannot seem to find the answer for:-
1. What advantage does getting a local services.xml and bouquet.xml file have? Apart from putting channels in the right order?
2. How many splitters can I get (ie how many boxes) can I run off one outside input? I have a media centre setup, and the more boxes I have, the more channels I can record to DVR at the same time. Are there any boosters that might help?
/*3. How to set up divx/video streaming from my NAS box? I have files I want to watch, but cant seem to set it up correctly.*/
4. I got a bunch of games, but have no idea where to put them on the dbox2 in order for the games menu to pick them up.
5. If I flick channels a lot, I get a lot of sticking/blank screens. At the moment, I need to reboot the box to reset the signal. Is there an easier of resetting when this happens?
I am using 1.7+ uk5 2x sporter image.
Many thanks for your advise in advance.
coleing said:
1. What advantage does getting a local services.xml and bouquet.xml file have? Apart from putting channels in the right order?

Yes, it puts them in a good order and usually in themes, like NEWS, MUSIC etc.

2. How many splitters can I get (ie how many boxes) can I run off one outside input? I have a media centre setup, and the more boxes I have, the more channels I can record to DVR at the same time. Are there any boosters that might help?

Yes you can use a normal booster, so really you could run quote a few boxes from one feed, make sure you use high qual splitters and cables. Keep an eye on the signal strength on your boxes, that`ll give you an indication of what your signal is like.

/*3. How to set up divx/video streaming from my NAS box? I have files I want to watch, but cant seem to set it up correctly.*/

Good, there`s too much to put here

4. I got a bunch of games, but have no idea where to put them on the dbox2 in order for the games menu to pick them up.

It`s been a while since I installed games, I think they go in a plugin folder, then re start the box. Search around, there`s loads about games on here.

5. If I flick channels a lot, I get a lot of sticking/blank screens. At the moment, I need to reboot the box to reset the signal. Is there an easier of resetting when this happens?

If you use a good bouquet and services file, the bad channels that cause channel lock will prob be removed. Usually scanning over dead channels like nvod channels cause lock. Use the latest sportster, I dont get any channel locks now.

Have fun
coleing said:
Hi Guys.
Great site. And its the only one I can seem to join. The others never seem to send out their activation mails.
anyway. I have my shiny new dbox2, flashed with a new sportster image, did a scan and got nearly 300 channels (tw) through my cable nternet line.
I got a splitter and I can now use both fine. However, there are a couple of things I cannot seem to find the answer for:-
1. What advantage does getting a local services.xml and bouquet.xml file have? Apart from putting channels in the right order?
2. How many splitters can I get (ie how many boxes) can I run off one outside input? I have a media centre setup, and the more boxes I have, the more channels I can record to DVR at the same time. Are there any boosters that might help?
/*3. How to set up divx/video streaming from my NAS box? I have files I want to watch, but cant seem to set it up correctly.*/
4. I got a bunch of games, but have no idea where to put them on the dbox2 in order for the games menu to pick them up.
5. If I flick channels a lot, I get a lot of sticking/blank screens. At the moment, I need to reboot the box to reset the signal. Is there an easier of resetting when this happens?
I am using 1.7+ uk5 2x sporter image.
Many thanks for your advise in advance.

glad you found the search facility usefeul ;)

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