Building 7025 Image


Inactive User
Nov 19, 2007
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Hi All
trying to make my own image for 7025
Can anyone point me in the right direction?:comp1:

after i
make -f Makefile-opendreambox image
contents of Makefile-opendreambox
# user config

# defaults, which should fit.




PWD:=$(shell pwd)

all: initialize
@echo "Openembedded for the Dreambox environment has been initialized"
@echo "properly. Now you can either:"
@echo " - make the 'image'-target to build an image, or"
@echo " - go into build/, source env.source and start on your own!"

initialize: cache sources build build/conf openembedded build/conf/local.conf build/env.source bb

cache sources build/conf build:
mkdir -p $@

${SVN} checkout ${SVN_BITBAKE_PARENT}/tags/bitbake-${BB_VERSION} bb

ifeq ($(METHOD),rsync)
openembedded openembedded-update:
rsync -avz rsync://${OE_BRANCH}/ openembedded
openembedded openembedded-update:
[ ! -e openembedded ] && ${MTN} checkout --branch=${OE_BRANCH} openembedded || echo "Already checked out, ok."
cd openembedded; ${MTN} --db=../ update

echo 'DL_DIR = "${PWD}/sources"' > build/conf/local.conf
echo 'OE_BASE = "${PWD}"' >> build/conf/local.conf
echo 'BBFILES = "$${OE_BASE}/openembedded/packages/*/*.bb"' >> build/conf/local.conf
echo 'BBMASK = "(nslu.*|.*-sdk.*)"' >> build/conf/local.conf
echo 'PREFERRED_PROVIDERS += " virtual/$${TARGET_PREFIX}gcc-initial:gcc-cross-initial"' >> build/conf/local.conf
echo 'PREFERRED_PROVIDERS += " virtual/$${TARGET_PREFIX}gcc:gcc-cross"' >> build/conf/local.conf
echo 'PREFERRED_PROVIDERS += " virtual/$${TARGET_PREFIX}g++:gcc-cross"' >> build/conf/local.conf
echo 'MACHINE = "${MACHINE}"' >> build/conf/local.conf
echo 'TARGET_OS = "linux"' >> build/conf/local.conf
echo 'DISTRO = "${DISTRO}"' >> build/conf/local.conf
echo 'CACHE = "${PWD}/cache/oe-cache.$${USER}"' >> build/conf/local.conf
echo 'CVS_TARBALL_STASH = ""' >> build/conf/local.conf
echo 'SOURCEFORGE_MIRROR = ""' >> build/conf/local.conf

@echo "WARNING: in case you have a 64bit system with 32bit userspace, you"
@echo "probably need to specify your BUILD_ARCH in conf/local.conf, for"
@echo "example BUILD_ARCH = \"i686\"! Otherwise the build will fail!"

echo 'OE_BASE=${PWD}' > build/env.source
echo 'export BBPATH="$${OE_BASE}/openembedded/:$${OE_BASE}/bb/:$${OE_BASE}/build/"' >> build/env.source
echo 'PATH=$${PATH}:$${OE_BASE}/bb/bin:$${OE_BASE}/build/tmp/cross/bin' >> build/env.source
echo 'export PATH' >> build/env.source
echo 'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=' >> build/env.source
echo 'export LANG=C' >> build/env.source
cat build/env.source

image: initialize openembedded-update
cd build; . ./env.source; bitbake dreambox-image

@${MTN} --version > /dev/null || { echo "Did not find a usable mtn (monotone 0.26+) binary"; exit 1; } mtn-version
@[ ! -e ] && rsync -avz ${RSYNC_HOME}/ . || echo "Initial database already existing, ok."
ifeq (${DISABLE_UPDATE},0)
@echo "Trying to pull the newest revision of the meta database. you can"
@echo "disable this by setting DISABLE_UPDATE=1 in the Makefile-opendreambox"

@echo "Trying to update this makefile. A backup called Makefile-opendreambox-old will be created."
cp Makefile-opendreambox Makefile-opendreambox-old
wget ";cvsroot=opendreambox" -O Makefile-opendreambox
every thing goes well untill

tony@tony-laptop:~$ cd Desktop
tony@tony-laptop:~/Desktop$ cd projects
tony@tony-laptop:~/Desktop/projects$ cd 7025
tony@tony-laptop:~/Desktop/projects/7025$ make -f Makefile-opendreambox image
Initial database already existing, ok.
Trying to pull the newest revision of the meta database. you can
disable this by setting DISABLE_UPDATE=1 in the Makefile-opendreambox
/usr/bin/mtn pull org.openembedded.dreambox
mtn: doing anonymous pull; use -kKEYNAME if you need authentication
mtn: connecting to
mtn: finding items to synchronize:
mtn: certificates | keys | revisions
mtn: 27,507 | 35 | 9,075
mtn: bytes in | bytes out | certs in | revs in
mtn: 1.2 k | 1.4 k | 0/0 | 0/0
mtn: successful exchange with
[ ! -e openembedded ] && /usr/bin/mtn checkout --branch=org.openembedded.dreambox openembedded || echo "Already checked out, ok."
Already checked out, ok.
cd openembedded; /usr/bin/mtn --db=../ update
mtn: misuse: workspace required but not found
make: *** [openembedded] Error 1
slowly getting there

hi All
when i do this everything goes well
tony@tony-laptop:~/Desktop/pro/7025$ make -f Makefile-opendreambox
mkdir -p cache
mkdir -p sources
mkdir -p build
mkdir -p build/conf

Checked out revision 1060.

Openembedded for the Dreambox environment has been initialized
properly. Now you can either:

- make the 'image'-target to build an image, or
- go into build/, source env.source and start on your own!

then the shite hits the fan when i try
Makefile-opendreambox image
i get this error message
b' referenced before assignment
ERROR: Printing the environment of the function
ERROR: 0001:def __anonfunc():
ERROR: 0002: import exceptions
ERROR: 0003: need_host ='COMPATIBLE_HOST', d, 1)
ERROR: 0004: if need_host:
ERROR: 0005: import re
ERROR: 0006: this_host ='HOST_SYS', d, 1)
ERROR: 0007: if not re.match(need_host, this_host):
ERROR: local variable 'bb' referenced before assignment while parsing /home/tony/Desktop/pro/7025/openembedded/packages/qpe-games/
ERROR: Error in executing:
ERROR: Exception:<type 'exceptions.UnboundLocalError'> Message:local variable 'bb' referenced before assignment
ERROR: Printing the environment of the function
ERROR: 0001:def __anonfunc():
ERROR: 0002: import exceptions
ERROR: 0003: need_host ='COMPATIBLE_HOST', d, 1)
ERROR: 0004: if need_host:
ERROR: 0005: import re
ERROR: 0006: this_host ='HOST_SYS', d, 1)
ERROR: 0007: if not re.match(need_host, this_host):
ERROR: local variable 'bb' referenced before assignment while parsing /home/tony/Desktop/pro/7025/openembedded/packages/qpe-games/
ERROR: Error in executing:
ERROR: Exception:<type 'exceptions.UnboundLocalError'> Message:local variable 'bb' referenced before assignment
ERROR: Printing the environment of the function
ERROR: 0001:def __anonfunc():
ERROR: 0002: import exceptions
ERROR: 0003: need_host ='COMPATIBLE_HOST', d, 1)
ERROR: 0004: if need_host:
ERROR: 0005: import re
ERROR: 0006: this_host ='HOST_SYS', d, 1)
ERROR: 0007: if not re.match(need_host, this_host):
ERROR: local variable 'bb' referenced before assignment while parsing /home/tony/Desktop/pro/7025/openembedded/packages/qpe-games/
ERROR: Error in executing:
ERROR: Exception:<type 'exceptions.UnboundLocalError'> Message:local variable 'bb' referenced before assignment
ERROR: Printing the environment of the function
ERROR: 0001:def __anonfunc():
ERROR: 0002: import exceptions
ERROR: 0003: need_host ='COMPATIBLE_HOST', d, 1)
ERROR: 0004: if need_host:
ERROR: 0005: import re
ERROR: 0006: this_host ='HOST_SYS', d, 1)
ERROR: 0007: if not re.match(need_host, this_host):
ERROR: local variable 'bb' referenced before assignment while parsing /home/tony/Desktop/pro/7025/openembedded/packages/qpe-games/
ERROR: Error in executing:
ERROR: Exception:<type 'exceptions.UnboundLocalError'> Message:local variable 'bb' referenced before assignment
ERROR: Printing the environment of the function
ERROR: 0001:def __anonfunc():
ERROR: 0002: import exceptions
ERROR: 0003: need_host ='COMPATIBLE_HOST', d, 1)
ERROR: 0004: if need_host:
ERROR: 0005: import re
ERROR: 0006: this_host ='HOST_SYS', d, 1)
ERROR: 0007: if not re.match(need_host, this_host):
ERROR: local variable 'bb' referenced before assignment while parsing /home/tony/Desktop/pro/7025/openembedded/packages/qpe-games/
ERROR: Error in executing:
ERROR: Exception:<type 'exceptions.UnboundLocalError'> Message:local variable 'bb' referenced before assignment
ERROR: Printing the environment of the function
ERROR: 0001:def __anonfunc():
ERROR: 0002: import exceptions
ERROR: 0003: need_host ='COMPATIBLE_HOST', d, 1)
ERROR: 0004: if need_host:
ERROR: 0005: import re
ERROR: 0006: this_host ='HOST_SYS', d, 1)
ERROR: 0007: if not re.match(need_host, this_host):
ERROR: local variable 'bb' referenced before assignment while parsing /home/tony/Desktop/pro/7025/openembedded/packages/qpe-games/
ERROR: Error in executing:
ERROR: Exception:<type 'exceptions.UnboundLocalError'> Message:local variable 'bb' referenced before assignment
ERROR: Printing the environment of the function
ERROR: 0001:def __anonfunc():
ERROR: 0002: import exceptions
ERROR: 0003: need_host ='COMPATIBLE_HOST', d, 1)
ERROR: 0004: if need_host:
ERROR: 0005: import re
ERROR: 0006: this_host ='HOST_SYS', d, 1)
ERROR: 0007: if not re.match(need_host, this_host):
ERROR: local variable 'bb' referenced before assignment while parsing /home/tony/Desktop/pro/7025/openembedded/packages/qpe-games/
ERROR: Error in executing:
ERROR: Exception:<type 'exceptions.UnboundLocalError'> Message:local variable 'bb' referenced before assignment
ERROR: Printing the environment of the function
ERROR: 0001:def __anonfunc():
ERROR: 0002: import exceptions
ERROR: 0003: need_host ='COMPATIBLE_HOST', d, 1)
ERROR: 0004: if need_host:
ERROR: 0005: import re
ERROR: 0006: this_host ='HOST_SYS', d, 1)
ERROR: 0007: if not re.match(need_host, this_host):
ERROR: local variable 'bb' referenced before assignment while parsing /home/tony/Desktop/pro/7025/openembedded/packages/qpe-games/
ERROR: Error in executing:
ERROR: Exception:<type 'exceptions.UnboundLocalError'> Message:local variable 'bb' referenced before assignment
ERROR: Printing the environment of the function
ERROR: 0001:def __anonfunc():
ERROR: 0002: import exceptions
ERROR: 0003: need_host ='COMPATIBLE_HOST', d, 1)
ERROR: 0004: if need_host:
ERROR: 0005: import re
ERROR: 0006: this_host ='HOST_SYS', d, 1)
ERROR: 0007: if not re.match(need_host, this_host):
ERROR: local variable 'bb' referenced before assignment while parsing /home/tony/Desktop/pro/7025/openembedded/packages/qpe-games/
ERROR: Error in executing:
ERROR: Exception:<type 'exceptions.UnboundLocalError'> Message:local variable 'bb' referenced before assignment
ERROR: Printing the environment of the function
ERROR: 0001:def __anonfunc():
ERROR: 0002: import exceptions
ERROR: 0003: need_host ='COMPATIBLE_HOST', d, 1)
ERROR: 0004: if need_host:
ERROR: 0005: import re
ERROR: 0006: this_host ='HOST_SYS', d, 1)
ERROR: 0007: if not re.match(need_host, this_host):
ERROR: local variable 'bb' referenced before assignment while parsing /home/tony/Desktop/pro/7025/openembedded/packages/qpe-games/
ERROR: Error in executing:
ERROR: Exception:<type 'exceptions.UnboundLocalError'> Message:local variable 'bb' referenced before assignment
ERROR: Printing the environment of the function
ERROR: 0001:def __anonfunc():
ERROR: 0002: import exceptions
ERROR: 0003: need_host ='COMPATIBLE_HOST', d, 1)
ERROR: 0004: if need_host:
ERROR: 0005: import re
ERROR: 0006: this_host ='HOST_SYS', d, 1)
ERROR: 0007: if not re.match(need_host, this_host):
ERROR: local variable 'bb' referenced before assignment while parsing /home/tony/Desktop/pro/7025/openembedded/packages/qpe-games/
ERROR: Error in executing:
ERROR: Exception:<type 'exceptions.UnboundLocalError'> Message:local variable 'bb' referenced before assignment
ERROR: Printing the environment of the function
ERROR: 0001:def __anonfunc():
ERROR: 0002: import exceptions
ERROR: 0003: need_host ='COMPATIBLE_HOST', d, 1)
ERROR: 0004: if need_host:
ERROR: 0005: import re
ERROR: 0006: this_host ='HOST_SYS', d, 1)
ERROR: 0007: if not re.match(need_host, this_host):
ERROR: local variable 'bb' referenced before assignment while parsing /home/tony/Desktop/pro/7025/openembedded/packages/qpe-games/
ERROR: Error in executing:
ERROR: Exception:<type 'exceptions.UnboundLocalError'> Message:local variable 'bb' referenced before assignment
ERROR: Printing the environment of the function
ERROR: 0001:def __anonfunc():
ERROR: 0002: import exceptions
ERROR: 0003: need_host ='COMPATIBLE_HOST', d, 1)
ERROR: 0004: if need_host:
ERROR: 0005: import re
ERROR: 0006: this_host ='HOST_SYS', d, 1)
ERROR: 0007: if not re.match(need_host, this_host):
ERROR: local variable 'bb' referenced before assignment while parsing /home/tony/Desktop/pro/7025/openembedded/packages/qpe-games/
ERROR: Error in executing:
ERROR: Exception:<type 'exceptions.UnboundLocalError'> Message:local variable 'bb' referenced before assignment
ERROR: Printing the environment of the function
ERROR: 0001:def __anonfunc():
ERROR: 0002: import exceptions
ERROR: 0003: need_host ='COMPATIBLE_HOST', d, 1)
ERROR: 0004: if need_host:
ERROR: 0005: import re
ERROR: 0006: this_host ='HOST_SYS', d, 1)
ERROR: 0007: if not re.match(need_host, this_host):
ERROR: local variable 'bb' referenced before assignment while parsing /home/tony/Desktop/pro/7025/openembedded/packages/qpe-games/
ERROR: Error in executing:
ERROR: Exception:<type 'exceptions.UnboundLocalError'> Message:local variable 'bb' referenced before assignment
ERROR: Printing the environment of the function
ERROR: 0001:def __anonfunc():
ERROR: 0002: import exceptions
ERROR: 0003: need_host ='COMPATIBLE_HOST', d, 1)
ERROR: 0004: if need_host:
ERROR: 0005: import re
ERROR: 0006: this_host ='HOST_SYS', d, 1)
ERROR: 0007: if not re.match(need_host, this_host):
ERROR: local variable 'bb' referenced before assignment while parsing /home/tony/Desktop/pro/7025/openembedded/packages/qpe-games/
ERROR: Error in executing:
ERROR: Exception:<type 'exceptions.UnboundLocalError'> Message:local variable 'bb' referenced before assignment
ERROR: Printing the environment of the function
ERROR: 0001:def __anonfunc():
ERROR: 0002: import exceptions
ERROR: 0003: need_host ='COMPATIBLE_HOST', d, 1)
ERROR: 0004: if need_host:
ERROR: 0005: import re
ERROR: 0006: this_host ='HOST_SYS', d, 1)
ERROR: 0007: if not re.match(need_host, this_host):
ERROR: local variable 'bb' referenced before assignment while parsing /home/tony/Desktop/pro/7025/openembedded/packages/qpe-games/
ERROR: Error in executing:
ERROR: Exception:<type 'exceptions.UnboundLocalError'> Message:local variable 'bb' referenced before assignment
ERROR: Printing the environment of the function
ERROR: 0001:def __anonfunc():
ERROR: 0002: import exceptions
ERROR: 0003: need_host ='COMPATIBLE_HOST', d, 1)
ERROR: 0004: if need_host:
ERROR: 0005: import re
ERROR: 0006: this_host ='HOST_SYS', d, 1)
ERROR: 0007: if not re.match(need_host, this_host):
ERROR: local variable 'bb' referenced before assignment while parsing /home/tony/Desktop/pro/7025/openembedded/packages/qpe-games/
ERROR: Error in executing:
ERROR: Exception:<type 'exceptions.UnboundLocalError'> Message:local variable 'bb' referenced before assignment
ERROR: Printing the environment of the function
ERROR: 0001:def __anonfunc():
ERROR: 0002: import exceptions
ERROR: 0003: need_host ='COMPATIBLE_HOST', d, 1)
ERROR: 0004: if need_host:
ERROR: 0005: import re
ERROR: 0006: this_host ='HOST_SYS', d, 1)
ERROR: 0007: if not re.match(need_host, this_host):
ERROR: local variable 'bb' referenced before assignment while parsing /home/tony/Desktop/pro/7025/openembedded/packages/qpe-games/
ERROR: Error in executing:
ERROR: Exception:<type 'exceptions.UnboundLocalError'> Message:local variable 'bb' referenced before assignment
ERROR: Printing the environment of the function
ERROR: 0001:def __anonfunc():
ERROR: 0002: import exceptions
ERROR: 0003: need_host ='COMPATIBLE_HOST', d, 1)
ERROR: 0004: if need_host:
ERROR: 0005: import re
ERROR: 0006: this_host ='HOST_SYS', d, 1)
ERROR: 0007: if not re.match(need_host, this_host):
ERROR: local variable 'bb' referenced before assignment while parsing /home/tony/Desktop/pro/7025/openembedded/packages/qpe-games/
ERROR: Error in executing:
ERROR: Exception:<type 'exceptions.UnboundLocalError'> Message:local variable 'bb' referenced before assignment
ERROR: Printing the environment of the function
ERROR: 0001:def __anonfunc():
ERROR: 0002: import exceptions
ERROR: 0003: need_host ='COMPATIBLE_HOST', d, 1)
ERROR: 0004: if need_host:
ERROR: 0005: import re
ERROR: 0006: this_host ='HOST_SYS', d, 1)
ERROR: 0007: if not re.match(need_host, this_host):
ERROR: local variable 'bb' referenced before assignment while parsing /home/tony/Desktop/pro/7025/openembedded/packages/qpe-games/
ERROR: Error in executing:
ERROR: Exception:<type 'exceptions.UnboundLocalError'> Message:local variable 'bb' referenced before assignment
ERROR: Printing the environment of the function
ERROR: 0001:def __anonfunc():
ERROR: 0002: import exceptions
ERROR: 0003: need_host ='COMPATIBLE_HOST', d, 1)
ERROR: 0004: if need_host:
ERROR: 0005: import re
ERROR: 0006: this_host ='HOST_SYS', d, 1)
ERROR: 0007: if not re.match(need_host, this_host):
ERROR: local variable 'bb' referenced before assignment while parsing /home/tony/Desktop/pro/7025/openembedded/packages/qpe-games/
ERROR: Error in executing:
ERROR: Exception:<type 'exceptions.UnboundLocalError'> Message:local variable 'bb' referenced before assignment
ERROR: Printing the environment of the function
ERROR: 0001:def __anonfunc():
ERROR: 0002: import exceptions
ERROR: 0003: need_host ='COMPATIBLE_HOST', d, 1)
ERROR: 0004: if need_host:
ERROR: 0005: import re
ERROR: 0006: this_host ='HOST_SYS', d, 1)
ERROR: 0007: if not re.match(need_host, this_host):
ERROR: local variable 'bb' referenced before assignment while parsing /home/tony/Desktop/pro/7025/openembedded/packages/qpe-games/
ERROR: Error in executing:
ERROR: Exception:<type 'exceptions.UnboundLocalError'> Message:local variable 'bb' referenced before assignment
ERROR: Printing the environment of the function
ERROR: 0001:def __anonfunc():
ERROR: 0002: import exceptions
ERROR: 0003: need_host ='COMPATIBLE_HOST', d, 1)
ERROR: 0004: if need_host:
ERROR: 0005: import re
ERROR: 0006: this_host ='HOST_SYS', d, 1)
ERROR: 0007: if not re.match(need_host, this_host):
ERROR: local variable 'bb' referenced before assignment while parsing /home/tony/Desktop/pro/7025/openembedded/packages/qpe-games/
ERROR: Error in executing:
ERROR: Exception:<type 'exceptions.UnboundLocalError'> Message:local variable 'bb' referenced before assignment
ERROR: Printing the environment of the function
ERROR: 0001:def __anonfunc():
ERROR: 0002: import exceptions
ERROR: 0003: need_host ='COMPATIBLE_HOST', d, 1)
ERROR: 0004: if need_host:
ERROR: 0005: import re
ERROR: 0006: this_host ='HOST_SYS', d, 1)
ERROR: 0007: if not re.match(need_host, this_host):
ERROR: local variable 'bb' referenced before assignment while parsing /home/tony/Desktop/pro/7025/openembedded/packages/opie-tonleiter/
ERROR: Error in executing:
ERROR: Exception:<type 'exceptions.UnboundLocalError'> Message:local variable 'bb' referenced before assignment
ERROR: Printing the environment of the function
ERROR: 0001:def __anonfunc():
ERROR: 0002: import exceptions
ERROR: 0003: need_host ='COMPATIBLE_HOST', d, 1)
ERROR: 0004: if need_host:
ERROR: 0005: import re
ERROR: 0006: this_host ='HOST_SYS', d, 1)
ERROR: 0007: if not re.match(need_host, this_host):
ERROR: local variable 'bb' referenced before assignment while parsing /home/tony/Desktop/pro/7025/openembedded/packages/opie-tonleiter/
ERROR: Error in executing:
ERROR: Exception:<type 'exceptions.UnboundLocalError'> Message:local variable 'bb' referenced before assignment
ERROR: Printing the environment of the function
ERROR: 0001:def __anonfunc():
ERROR: 0002: import exceptions
ERROR: 0003: need_host ='COMPATIBLE_HOST', d, 1)
ERROR: 0004: if need_host:
ERROR: 0005: import re
ERROR: 0006: this_host ='HOST_SYS', d, 1)
ERROR: 0007: if not re.match(need_host, this_host):
ERROR: local variable 'bb' referenced before assignment while parsing /home/tony/Desktop/pro/7025/openembedded/packages/zddice/
ERROR: Error in executing:
ERROR: Exception:<type 'exceptions.UnboundLocalError'> Message:local variable 'bb' referenced before assignment
ERROR: Printing the environment of the function
ERROR: 0001:def __anonfunc():
ERROR: 0002: import exceptions
ERROR: 0003: need_host ='COMPATIBLE_HOST', d, 1)
ERROR: 0004: if need_host:
ERROR: 0005: import re
ERROR: 0006: this_host ='HOST_SYS', d, 1)
ERROR: 0007: if not re.match(need_host, this_host):
ERROR: local variable 'bb' referenced before assignment while parsing /home/tony/Desktop/pro/7025/openembedded/packages/fortune-mod/
ERROR: Error in executing:
ERROR: Exception:<type 'exceptions.UnboundLocalError'> Message:local variable 'bb' referenced before assignment
ERROR: Printing the environment of the function
ERROR: 0001:def __anonfunc():
ERROR: 0002: import exceptions
ERROR: 0003: need_host ='COMPATIBLE_HOST', d, 1)
ERROR: 0004: if need_host:
ERROR: 0005: import re
ERROR: 0006: this_host ='HOST_SYS', d, 1)
ERROR: 0007: if not re.match(need_host, this_host):
ERROR: local variable 'bb' referenced before assignment while parsing /home/tony/Desktop/pro/7025/openembedded/packages/fltk/
ERROR: Error in executing:
ERROR: Exception:<type 'exceptions.UnboundLocalError'> Message:local variable 'bb' referenced before assignment
ERROR: Printing the environment of the function
ERROR: 0001:def __anonfunc():
ERROR: 0002: import exceptions
ERROR: 0003: need_host ='COMPATIBLE_HOST', d, 1)
ERROR: 0004: if need_host:
ERROR: 0005: import re
ERROR: 0006: this_host ='HOST_SYS', d, 1)
ERROR: 0007: if not re.match(need_host, this_host):
ERROR: local variable 'bb' referenced before assignment while parsing /home/tony/Desktop/pro/7025/openembedded/packages/panoramixext/
ERROR: Error in executing:
ERROR: Exception:<type 'exceptions.UnboundLocalError'> Message:local variable 'bb' referenced before assignment
ERROR: Printing the environment of the function
ERROR: 0001:def __anonfunc():
ERROR: 0002: import exceptions
ERROR: 0003: need_host ='COMPATIBLE_HOST', d, 1)
ERROR: 0004: if need_host:
ERROR: 0005: import re
ERROR: 0006: this_host ='HOST_SYS', d, 1)
ERROR: 0007: if not re.match(need_host, this_host):
ERROR: local variable 'bb' referenced before assignment while parsing /home/tony/Desktop/pro/7025/openembedded/packages/panoramixext/
ERROR: Error in executing:
ERROR: Exception:<type 'exceptions.UnboundLocalError'> Message:local variable 'bb' referenced before assignment
ERROR: Printing the environment of the function
ERROR: 0001:def __anonfunc():
ERROR: 0002: import exceptions
ERROR: 0003: need_host ='COMPATIBLE_HOST', d, 1)
ERROR: 0004: if need_host:
ERROR: 0005: import re
ERROR: 0006: this_host ='HOST_SYS', d, 1)
ERROR: 0007: if not re.match(need_host, this_host):
ERROR: local variable 'bb' referenced before assignment while parsing /home/tony/Desktop/pro/7025/openembedded/packages/libpcl/
ERROR: Error in executing:
ERROR: Exception:<type 'exceptions.UnboundLocalError'> Message:local variable 'bb' referenced before assignment
ERROR: Printing the environment of the function
ERROR: 0001:def __anonfunc():
ERROR: 0002: import exceptions
ERROR: 0003: need_host ='COMPATIBLE_HOST', d, 1)
ERROR: 0004: if need_host:
ERROR: 0005: import re
ERROR: 0006: this_host ='HOST_SYS', d, 1)
ERROR: 0007: if not re.match(need_host, this_host):
ERROR: local variable 'bb' referenced before assignment while parsing /home/tony/Desktop/pro/7025/openembedded/packages/whois/
ERROR: Error in executing:
ERROR: Exception:<type 'exceptions.UnboundLocalError'> Message:local variable 'bb' referenced before assignment
ERROR: Printing the environment of the function
ERROR: 0001:def __anonfunc():
ERROR: 0002: import exceptions
ERROR: 0003: need_host ='COMPATIBLE_HOST', d, 1)
ERROR: 0004: if need_host:
ERROR: 0005: import re
ERROR: 0006: this_host ='HOST_SYS', d, 1)
ERROR: 0007: if not re.match(need_host, this_host):
ERROR: local variable 'bb' referenced before assignment while parsing /home/tony/Desktop/pro/7025/openembedded/packages/lemon/
ERROR: Error in executing:
ERROR: Exception:<type 'exceptions.UnboundLocalError'> Message:local variable 'bb' referenced before assignment
ERROR: Printing the environment of the function
ERROR: 0001:def __anonfunc():
ERROR: 0002: import exceptions
ERROR: 0003: need_host ='COMPATIBLE_HOST', d, 1)
ERROR: 0004: if need_host:
ERROR: 0005: import re
ERROR: 0006: this_host ='HOST_SYS', d, 1)
ERROR: 0007: if not re.match(need_host, this_host):
ERROR: local variable 'bb' referenced before assignment while parsing /home/tony/Desktop/pro/7025/openembedded/packages/lemon/
ERROR: Error in executing:
ERROR: Exception:<type 'exceptions.UnboundLocalError'> Message:local variable 'bb' referenced before assignment
ERROR: Printing the environment of the function
ERROR: 0001:def __anonfunc():
ERROR: 0002: import exceptions
ERROR: 0003: need_host ='COMPATIBLE_HOST', d, 1)
ERROR: 0004: if need_host:
ERROR: 0005: import re
ERROR: 0006: this_host ='HOST_SYS', d, 1)
ERROR: 0007: if not re.match(need_host, this_host):
ERROR: local variable 'bb' referenced before assignment while parsing /home/tony/Desktop/pro/7025/openembedded/packages/r/
ERROR: Error in executing:
ERROR: Exception:<type 'exceptions.UnboundLocalError'> Message:local variable 'bb' referenced before assignment
ERROR: Printing the environment of the function
ERROR: 0001:def __anonfunc():
ERROR: 0002: import exceptions
ERROR: 0003: need_host ='COMPATIBLE_HOST', d, 1)
ERROR: 0004: if need_host:
ERROR: 0005: import re
ERROR: 0006: this_host ='HOST_SYS', d, 1)
ERROR: 0007: if not re.match(need_host, this_host):
ERROR: local variable 'bb' referenced before assignment while parsing /home/tony/Desktop/pro/7025/openembedded/packages/iproute2/
ERROR: Error in executing:
ERROR: Exception:<type 'exceptions.UnboundLocalError'> Message:local variable 'bb' referenced before assignment
ERROR: Printing the environment of the function
ERROR: 0001:def __anonfunc():
ERROR: 0002: import exceptions
ERROR: 0003: need_host ='COMPATIBLE_HOST', d, 1)
ERROR: 0004: if need_host:
ERROR: 0005: import re
ERROR: 0006: this_host ='HOST_SYS', d, 1)
ERROR: 0007: if not re.match(need_host, this_host):
ERROR: local variable 'bb' referenced before assignment while parsing /home/tony/Desktop/pro/7025/openembedded/packages/iproute2/
ERROR: Error Method already seen: get_glibc_fpu_setting in'' now in 'glibc-package.bbclass'
ERROR: Error in compiling:
ERROR: The lines resulting into this error were:
ERROR: 46:IndentationError:' import bb, re'
ERROR: Printing the environment of the function
ERROR: 0042:# bb.note("overriding PACKAGE_ARCH from %s to %s" % (old_arch, mach_arch))
ERROR: 0043:'PACKAGE_ARCH', mach_arch, d)
ERROR: 0044: return
ERROR: 0045:
ERROR: 0046: import bb, re
ERROR: 0047: uc_os = (re.match('.*uclibc$','TARGET_OS', d, 1)) != None)
ERROR: 0048: if uc_os:
ERROR: 0049: raise bb.parse.SkipPackage("incompatible with target %s" %
ERROR: 0050:'TARGET_OS', d, 1))
make: *** [image] Error 1
Anybody Out There???

have now got it going to the next stage but run into this
I have quilt 0.45.1

tony@tony-desktop:~/Desktop/pro/7025$ make -f Makefile-opendreambox image
Initial database already existing, ok.
Trying to pull the newest revision of the meta database. you can
disable this by setting DISABLE_UPDATE=1 in the Makefile-opendreambox
/usr/bin/mtn pull org.openembedded.dreambox
mtn: doing anonymous pull; use -kKEYNAME if you need authentication
mtn: connecting to
mtn: finding items to synchronize:
mtn: certificates | keys | revisions
mtn: 27,507 | 35 | 9,075
mtn: bytes in | bytes out | certs in | revs in
mtn: 1.2 k | 1.4 k | 0/0 | 0/0
mtn: successful exchange with
[ ! -e openembedded ] && /usr/bin/mtn checkout --branch=org.openembedded.dreambox openembedded || echo "Already checked out, ok."
Already checked out, ok.
cd openembedded; /usr/bin/mtn --db=../ update
mtn: updating along branch 'org.openembedded.dreambox'
mtn: already up to date at 2c83d2b44d679133b97b706eb976c2e60de48fba
cd build; . ./env.source; bitbake dreambox-image
NOTE: Using cache in '/home/tony/Desktop/pro/7025/cache/oe-cache.tony'
NOTE: Parsing finished. 3884 cached, 0 parsed, 160 skipped, 28 masked.
NOTE: package quilt-native-0.45: started
NOTE: package quilt-native-0.45-r0: task do_fetch: started
NOTE: fetch
Error parsing proxy URL http://:8080/: Invalid host name.
NOTE: fetch
Error parsing proxy URL http://:8080/: Invalid host name.
NOTE: fetch
Error parsing proxy URL http://:8080/: Invalid host name.
NOTE: Task failed: Fetch failed:
NOTE: package quilt-native-0.45-r0: task do_fetch: failed
ERROR: TaskFailed event exception, aborting
NOTE: package quilt-native-0.45: failed
ERROR: Build of dreambox-image failed
make: *** [image] Error 1