Blueyonder Upgrades

well m trotting along at 230~330 k/bs on the 10m/bit line with BlueY

happy as pig in shit here!!!lol
Your line speed:

1136.5 Kbps

139.3 K bytes/sec

Think I will be making a phone call.

Is ppl with higher figures on net card or USB connection ?
Just a thought, thinking of changing mine to USB as I'm on Net card.
Your line speed:

9832.2 Kbps

1037.4 K bytes/sec

but same as Paul K, the next test was much lower. Im not complaining though 10mb connection for £37 is sweet.
im on 3meg
Your line speed:
3743.1 Kbps
458.7 K bytes/sec

but cant wait for my 10meg in midlands i was told i would get it by december
ill believe it when it happens. but have been given half price internet till i get my 10meg connection so i dont mind if they grag it out a bit lol
i got my upgrade today!!! i turned my modem off and on and i now have 4mb connection!!!
I just got upgraded to 10mb the other day!!
Your line speed:
13161.3 Kbps
1612.9 K bytes/sec
Well happy!!:xmas:
Still waitin for my 4mb upgrade............. no sign of torquay in the upgrade schedule :(
zooropa said:
Still waitin for my 4mb upgrade............. no sign of torquay in the upgrade schedule :(

Im still waiting for my 10mb upgrade, they are so slow in the midlands.
Looks like it :( guner be after xmas now i can just see it :(
phoned them today and was told all upgrades will be done by end of JAN, so it looks like anytime within the next 3 months.
wohoooooooooooooooooooooooo great news martin,thats cheered me up :)