bad ip glasgow area

i keep on getting bad ip addresses (ones that end in 255 ect...) and wondering whats up with that?

i can clone ones from my own area to test to make sure modem/hardware/ my produre is correct and its all fine, but when i try macs from other areas it doesnt work for me. ive tried 3 different area so far. all within 5 miles from me.

one thing i did notice is that my exchange is named :

while others in glasgow are:

do you guys reckon this is where my problem lies? my exchange is on another network in glasgow which is just like it being in another city?

forgot to ask, if anyone in glasgow on an exchange "cowc" wants to swap then please pm me, want to work out whats wrong!
I've highlighted ya problem in red

one thing i did notice is that my exchange is named :

while others in glasgow are:

The problem being the macs your using are from the wrong area, an area thats using a different server, so that your server is not recognising the macs your getting. This means your sever recognises the mac address as belonging to N*L but not as being registered to a customer there fore the server assigns an automatic private IP address which only allows access to their registration site the IP ends between 248 - 255 every time untill you get a mac from your area but on a dfferent UBR you'll continue to get the same IP range.
Also just noticed that johnsmith is in the ruth area so if your in the ruth area aswell you can swap macs however if your from the cowc area then his macs will be no good to you.