Australian dictionary


Inactive User
Apr 14, 2008
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A DJ on Radio Australia made an announcement to it's listeners regarding a new survey that they were starting.
"We're going to have a phone in of new Aussie words and their meanings for our new dictionary of modern language. If you know of any words that are in use in your area that are not in the Oxford English Dictionary, please contact us and we will add it to ours."
The DJ gets his first call.
"Hi mate it's Shane and my word is gaun"
"What does that mean?"
"Gaun F**k yerself"
The DJ instantly cuts off the caller with words of warning to his audience, that this is not the type of language he is asking for, even if it is Australian, and anyone using it will be immediately cut off.
He then receives his next caller
"Hi mate , it's Bruce"
"OK Bruce, what's your word?"
"Smee" replies Bruce
"What does that mean?"
"Smee again, gaun F**k yerself!"
Haha a good variation :Clap: here's the newspaper clipping. Still, that could be fake.
They say comedy is a worldwide thing. Except Germany I expect
:Cheers: Yup, no sense of humour, Fawlty Towers episode, case in point :banana: