AU Atmega

Not sure why, but following yesterdays key change on ex cw my Atmega appears to have updated. I haven't had any issues so far is it just smellywest that have been affected so far. I am using Toxic 7b on cr1.
what if we use the older toxic files, toxic6 etc or even 7b as the 1 gary is usin.
at the moment ive got toxic7c 4 smellywest
AFAIK it won't make any difference.

I have had my card programmed as an AU, Toxic7 and Toxic6.

None of them currently Auto-Updates.

As for yesterday's key-roll - Mine didn't go off either, unless they did it overnight. I'm amazed that they didn't schedule the roll-out for during the football, but there you have it.

Hopefully, the next edition of Atmega AU won't be too far off.
there will be ppl workin on it rite this minute. lol

the hackers manifest is tru. hackin isnt just a crime, but also a survival trick