Anti-update mods.....Just curious

Exactly what does the wire between the 2 legs on RP6207 and U5700 do/bypass?
The reason I ask is that while I was struggling with the 2000 box last night and trying to reset the net id after doing the Wembley trick and the Anti-update mod I thought that if I've done an anti mod,and U5700 is the chip where the net id is stored how does this wire stop CR1 becoming CR3?
This may seem a bit naive and basic to most of you but I'd appreciate it if you could put me wise.
I've also just finished a night shift (ahem) so be gentle.
The way of preventing the update on some boxes, including the 2000 is to force pin 11 of both TSOPs to logic 1. Pin 11 is /WE which can make the chips non-writable.

The resistor array RP6207 is connected to those pins, the wire from U5700 is for the logic 1.