hi all im trying to do an ambit 200 modem and im folowing the 200 tut but when i boot up the modem all i get at the end is this
VendorCtrl: HFC up
A software upgrade filename was specified in the config file.
Logging event: Software upgrade has started.
Starting Software Update...
0x00004d94 ['CmDo' id=0x806d3110] BcmCmDocsisIpThread::TftpSoftwareImage: (CmDo
csisIpThread) ERROR - SW dload exceeded max tries (0); aborting the download.
Link down--Ethernet interface
Logging event: Link up--Cable interface
Logging event: Link down--USB interface
Logging event: SW Download INIT - Via Config file unreg.cm
Logging event: SW Upgrade Failed during download - Max retry exceed (3)
and this is not what it shows me in the tut
eney one have eney iders?????
VendorCtrl: HFC up
A software upgrade filename was specified in the config file.
Logging event: Software upgrade has started.
Starting Software Update...
0x00004d94 ['CmDo' id=0x806d3110] BcmCmDocsisIpThread::TftpSoftwareImage: (CmDo
csisIpThread) ERROR - SW dload exceeded max tries (0); aborting the download.
Link down--Ethernet interface
Logging event: Link up--Cable interface
Logging event: Link down--USB interface
Logging event: SW Download INIT - Via Config file unreg.cm
Logging event: SW Upgrade Failed during download - Max retry exceed (3)
and this is not what it shows me in the tut
eney one have eney iders?????