ambit 200 help

hi all im trying to do an ambit 200 modem and im folowing the 200 tut but when i boot up the modem all i get at the end is this

VendorCtrl: HFC up
A software upgrade filename was specified in the config file.
Logging event: Software upgrade has started.
Starting Software Update...
0x00004d94 ['CmDo' id=0x806d3110] BcmCmDocsisIpThread::TftpSoftwareImage: (CmDo
csisIpThread) ERROR - SW dload exceeded max tries (0); aborting the download.
Link down--Ethernet interface
Logging event: Link up--Cable interface
Logging event: Link down--USB interface
Logging event: SW Download INIT - Via Config file
Logging event: SW Upgrade Failed during download - Max retry exceed (3)

and this is not what it shows me in the tut
eney one have eney iders?????
lol ive done my first modem :)
just a cople of questions
1 do thay go off and if so how offten?
2 is it safe to use msn hotmail?
3 also i have used a mac from scanning for macs off my computer at home just to try it out i know i should use a mac from 5 miles away but i could not get eney yet so will this be afected in eney way

thanx for eney info
They only go off when the subscription gets cancelled so read into that what you want it might last for years or might just last for a couple of weeks its safe to use msn and hotmail but not recomended to use your N*L/TW based pop3 mail. When you use a mac off your gateway it will only work properley when the sub is switched off when the legitimet user fires up his modem yours will reboot then as your boots up his will reboot and into the cycle you go its really not recommended to use a mac off your gateway as it will raise suspsion if the paying customer rings up to complain about the problems theyre having and its also not very fair to person paying the bill.